The minimum right of way widths of streets, cul-de-sacs, and alleys shall be as follows:
A. Expressway: three hundred feet.
B. Principal arterial streets: one hundred forty feet.
C. Minor arterial streets: one hundred ten feet.
D. Major collector streets: eighty feet.
E. Minor collector streets: sixty feet.
F. Local streets:
1. Urban 1/on-street parking allowed with attached sidewalk: forty-four feet.
2. Urban 1a/on-street parking allowed with detached sidewalk: fifty feet.
3. Urban 2/on-street parking not allowed with attached sidewalk: thirty-eight feet.
4. Urban 2a/on-street parking not allowed with detached sidewalk: forty-four feet.
5. Rural/parking not allowed: forty feet.
G. Cul-de-sacs: street right of way width is as required by subsection F of this section with a terminus roadway radius of fifty-three and one-half feet.
H. Alley: twenty feet.
(Ord. 3416 § 1, 2024; Ord. 1397.15.25 § 2, 2022; Ord. 1397.15.4 § 2 (part), 1992)
(Prior code Art. 19-5 (part))
Pavement width measured between backs of curbs shall be as follows:
A. Expressway: one hundred thirty-eight feet.
B. Principal arterial streets: one hundred four feet.
C. Minor arterial streets: seventy-six feet.
D. Major collector streets: fifty feet.
E. Minor collector streets: thirty-six feet.
F. Local streets:
1. Urban 1 and 1a: thirty-two feet.
2. Urban 2 and 2a: twenty-six feet.
3. Rural: twenty-four feet.
G. Cul-de-sacs: pavement width is as required by subsection F of this section with a terminus roadway radius of forty-eight feet.
(Ord. 1397.15.25 § 3, 2022; Ord. 1397.15.4 § 2 (part), 1992)
Other roadway improvements shall be a minimum of:
A. Sidewalks:
1. All arterial streets - six feet.
2. All collector streets - five feet.
3. All local streets - five feet.
B. Curb and gutter: twenty-four inches in width.
C. Pedestrian ways within open space areas and trail corridors: ten feet.
D. Alleys: developments utilizing an alley as access to required parking shall improve the alley full width, two inches of asphaltic concrete on six inches of aggregate base course, to the nearest improved intersecting street. Said new pavement shall be installed to match the grade at the existing alley pavement.
E. Street name signs: signs shall be placed at all street intersections and be in place by the time the street pavement is ready for use. Specifications for design, construction, location, and installation shall be in accordance with city standard specifications.
(Ord. 3416 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1397.15.25 § 4, 2022; Ord. 1397.15.4 § 2 (part), 1992; prior code Art. 19-5 (2))
Proper and adequate provision shall be made for disposal or retention of storm- water; this shall apply equally to grading of private properties and to public streets. Existing major watercourses shall be maintained and dedicated as drainage ways. The type, extent, location and capacity of drainage facilities shall be approved for the individual development by the city engineer and shall be constructed in accordance with standards and specifications established by the city standard specifications. The city engineer may require an engineering study by a consulting registered engineer employed by the developer.
(Prior code Art. 19-5 (3))