For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
“Council” means the city council of the city of Casa Grande.
“Developer” means the individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association, syndication, trust or other legal entity that initiates the development of land for commercial, industrial, multifamily or single- family residential purposes in accordance with the provisions of this chapter; and the developer need not be the owner of the property as defined by this chapter.
“Development” means an improvement to a parcel, lot or tract of land for which a building permit is required, or other approval is required under any existing city code or ordinance.
“Easement” means a grant by the owner of the use of a strip of land by the public, a corporation or persons, for specific uses and purposes and so designated.
“Engineering plans” means plans, profiles, cross sections and other required details for the construction of public improvements, prepared by a civil engineer registered in the state of Arizona in compliance with standards of design and construction approved by the council.
“Grantor” means the individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association, syndication, trust or other legal entity that has authority to convey land to the city.
“Irrigation facilities” means and includes canals, laterals, ditches, conduits, gates, pumps and allied equipment necessary for the supply, delivery and drainage or irrigation water and the construction, operation, maintenance of such.
“Owner” means the person or persons holding a title by deed to land, or holding any other title of record.
“Pedestrian way” means a public walk dedicated entirely through a block from street to street and/or providing access to a school, park, recreation area or shopping center.
“Right-of-way” means any public right-of-way, and includes any area required for public use pursuant to any general or specific plan.
“Standard specifications and details” means a set of uniform development specifications approved by the city engineer and adopted by the city council.
“Streets” means any existing or proposed street, avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parkway, place, bridge, viaduct or easement for public vehicular access or street shown in a plat duly filed and recorded in the county recorder's office. A street includes all land within the street right-of-way whether improved or unimproved and includes such improvements as pavement, shoulders, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, parking spaces, bridges and drainage improvements.
1. "Expressway/parkway" means a cross-section that provides for the high-speed movement of large traffic volumes with no direct access to adjacent land. Expressways/parkways are typically four, six or eight-lane roadways.
2. "Principal arterial" means a facility that serves regional circulation needs. It moves traffic at moderate speeds while providing limited access to adjacent land. Access is generally controlled through raised medians and through spacing and location of driveways and intersections. Generally, a principal arterial is a six- or four-lane facility. Principal arterials are generally provided on the section line grid and are typically provided at two-mile intervals.
3. "Minor arterial" means a typical section that is generally a four-lane and sometimes a two-lane roadway. Its purpose is to serve regional/sub-regional traffic circulation needs by moving traffic at moderate speeds while providing limited access to adjacent land. Minor arterials are generally provided on the section line grid between the principal arterials.
4. "Major collector" means a facility that provides for shorter distance trips, generally less than three miles, and primarily serves to collect and distribute traffic between key traffic generators, local streets, and arterial streets. This classification provides direct access to abutting land.
5. "Minor collector" means a collector that serves shorter distance trips than the major collector, generally less than one mile. They provide direct access to adjacent land and collect and distribute traffic between key traffic generators, local streets, and arterial streets.
6. "Local streets" means streets whose primary purpose is to serve residences and provide circulation to commercial, industrial, or other adjacent land.
7. "Rural" means a cross-section that functions similarly to a local street, but in less densely developed areas. It typically includes cut ditches on each side to convey drainage and does not include sidewalks.
8. "Cul-de-sac" means a short local street having but one end open for vehicular traffic, the opposite end being terminated with a permanent turn-around.
9. "Alley" means a public service way used to provide secondary vehicle access to properties otherwise abutting upon a street.
“Transportation plan” means an element of the Casa Grande Comprehensive Plan, adopted by city council, which indicates collector streets, arterial streets, and other transportation facilities.
“Utilities” means installations or facilities, underground or overhead, furnishing for the use of the public electricity, gas, steam, communications, water, drainage, sewage disposal or flood control, owned and operated by any person, firm, corporation, municipal department or board, duly authorized by state or municipal regulations. Utility or utilities as used herein may also refer to such persons, firms, corporations, departments or board as sense requires.
(Ord. 1397.15.25 § 1, 2022; Prior code Art. 19-2)