Chapter 12.04
Article I. Park Operating Policy
12.04.010   Definitions.
12.04.020   Hours open.
12.04.030   Authority to close certain areas.
12.04.040   Permit required for certain activities.
12.04.050   Application for permit—Information required.
12.04.060   Standards for permit issuance.
12.04.070   Appeal procedure.
12.04.080   Permit revocation when.
Article II. Sanitation
12.04.090   Pollution of waters prohibited.
12.04.100   Dumping of refuse and trash prohibited.
12.04.110   Possession or breaking of glass alcoholic container prohibited.
12.04.120   Damaging restrooms prohibited.
Article III. Recreational Activities
12.04.130   Bathing and swimming in designated areas only.
12.04.140   Boating in designated areas only.
12.04.150   Golfing in designated areas only.
12.04.160   Motorcycles, etc. in designated areas only.
12.04.170   Horseback riding in designated areas only.
12.04.180   Model airplanes in designated areas only.
12.04.190   Model boats in designated areas only.
12.04.200   Skateboarding, roller skating in designated areas only.
Article IV. Enforcement Authority
12.04.210   Enforcement authority.
12.04.220   Authority to eject.
12.04.230   Violation—Penalty.
Article I. Park Operating Policy
12.04.010 Definitions.
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given in this section.
   “City” means the city of Casa Grande.
   “Director” means the person immediately in charge of any park area and its activities, and to whom all park employees of such area are responsible.
   “Park” means a park, reservation, playground, recreation center, or any other area in the city owned or used by the city and devoted to active or passive recreation.
(Prior code Art. 18-1)
12.04.020 Hours open.
   A.   North Mountain Park and Casa Grande Mountain Park shall be open twenty-four hours each day.
   B.   Dave White Regional Park shall be open from dawn to eleven p.m. each day.
   C.   All other parks shall be open from five a.m. to eleven p.m. each day.
   D.   All parks shall be closed at all times not specifically described in subsections A, B and C of this section.
   E.   No person shall be present in any park when it is closed without the permission of the director.
(Ord. 854.2 § 2, 1989; prior code § 18-4-1)
12.04.030 Authority to close certain areas.
   Any section or part of any park may be declared closed to the public by the director or chief of police at any time and for any interval of time, either temporarily or at regular and stated intervals (daily or otherwise) and either entirely or merely to certain uses, as the director or chief of police shall find reasonable and necessary to protect the public health or safety.
(Prior code § 18-4-2)
12.04.040 Permit required for certain activities.
   A.   A permit shall be obtained from the department director before participating in the following activities:
   1.   The sale of food, beverages, or other items;
   2.   The amplification of music, voices, or other sounds;
   3.   The reservation of a park or a portion of a park by a group numbering more than one hundred fifty;
   4.   Any stay in Casa Grande Mountain Park for a period in excess of twenty-four hours;
   5.   Any stay in North Mountain Park after eleven p.m.
   6.   The possession or consumption of an alcoholic beverage in any of the following parks: Peart, O'Neil, Elliott, Eastland, and Nutt.
   B.   A reservation may be obtained from the department director by any group of people wishing to use a portion of the park.
(Ord. 854.4 § 2, 1991; Ord. 854.3, 1989; Ord. 854.1 § 1, 1989; prior code § 18-4-3)