12.04.100 Dumping of refuse and trash prohibited.
   No person in a park shall bring in trash from other areas for the purpose of deposit in the park and no person shall dump, deposit, or leave any beverage containers, broken beverage containers, ashes, paper, boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage or refuse, or other trash. No such refuse or trash shall be placed in any waters in or contiguous to any park, or left anywhere on the grounds thereof, but shall be placed in the proper receptacles where these are provided; where receptacles are not so provided, all such rubbish or waste shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere.
(Prior code § 18-2-2)
12.04.110 Possession or breaking of glass alcoholic container prohibited.
   It is unlawful for any person to possess a glass alcoholic beverage container in any park. It is unlawful for any person to throw, toss or otherwise propel, or break any glass object in a park or any street or alley adjacent to any park.
(Prior code § 18-2-3)
12.04.120 Damaging restrooms prohibited.
   No person shall damage or wastefully or improperly use any toilet, water or sewer facility in any park.
(Prior code § 18-2-4)
Article III. Recreational Activities
12.04.130 Bathing and swimming in designated areas only.
   No person in a park shall swim, bathe, or wade in any waters or waterway in or adjacent to any park, except in the waters and at the places as are provided therefor, and in compliance with such regulations as are herein set forth or may be hereafter adopted. Nor shall any person frequent any waters or places customarily designated for the purpose of swimming or bathing or congregate thereat when such activity is prohibited by the department director upon a finding that such use of the water would be dangerous to public health or safety.
(Prior code § 18-3-1)
12.04.140 Boating in designated areas only.
   No person in a park shall bring into or operate any boat, raft, or other water craft, whether motor- powered or not, upon any waters, except at places designated for boating by the department director. Such activity shall be in accordance with applicable regulations as are now or may hereafter be adopted.
(Prior code § 18-3-2)
12.04.150 Golfing in designated areas only.
   No person in a park shall use any portion of a park for golfing purposes, or make use of any golf club or golf ball in any park, except at places designated for golfing by the department director.
(Prior code § 18-3-3)
12.04.160 Motorcycles, etc. in designated areas only.
   No person in a park shall bring into or operate any motorcycle, car, truck, motorbike, any terrain vehicle, or bicycle, whether motor-powered or not, except in areas and on roads or paths designated for that purpose by the department director.
(Prior code § 18-3-4)
12.04.170 Horseback riding in designated areas only.
   No person shall bring a horse into a park, or ride a horse in any location in a park, except on designated bridle trails. Horses shall be thoroughly broken and properly restrained, and ridden with due care, and shall not be allowed to graze or go unattended, nor shall they be hitched to any rock, tree, shrub, fence, or playground equipment.
(Prior code § 18-3-5)