(A)   The developer shall notify the inspecting professional engineer or professional land surveyor listed on the plans at least 48 hours before commencing any work in conjunction with site development, the SWM plan, and upon completion of the project.
   (B)   Regular inspections shall be made and documented for each ESD planning technique and practice at the stages of construction specified in the Design Manual. At a minimum, all ESD and other nonstructural practices shall be inspected upon completion of final grading, the establishment of permanent stabilization, and before issuance of a grading completion certificate.
   (C)   All inspections shall be the responsibility of the professional engineer or the professional land surveyor listed on the plan. With the county’s prior written permission, an equally qualified professional engineer or land surveyor may be substituted. Written inspection reports shall be prepared and the inspection checklist completed to ensure compliance with the approved plans. Inspection reports shall include:
      (1)   The date and location of the inspection;
      (2)   Whether construction was in compliance with the approved SWM plan;
      (3)   Any variations from the approved construction specifications; and
      (4)   Any existing violations.
   (D)   The owner or developer and onsite personnel shall be notified in writing when violations are observed. Written notification shall describe the nature of the violation and the required corrective action.
   (E)   No work shall proceed until the professional engineer or land surveyor inspects, approves the work, and signs the inspection certification chart on the plan.
(2004 Code, § 191-21) (Ord. 01-12, passed 9-27-2001; Ord. 04-07, passed 4-1-2004; Ord. 2010-05, passed 4-29-2010)