Water and Sewer Connections
1038.01   General provisions.
1038.02   Permit required.
1038.03   Issuance of permit.
1038.04   Sewer tapper's license; bond.
1038.05   Connection procedures.
1038.06   Construction of connections.
1038.07   Powers and authority of inspectors.
1038.08   Inspections.
1038.99   Penalty.
Compulsory water and sewer connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06
Management and control of sewerage system - see Ohio R.C. 729.50
Regulations to control house sewers and connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.51
Management and control of waterworks - see Ohio R.C. 735.28 et seq.
Water rates for users outside corporate limits - see Ohio R.C. 743.13
Untreated sewage see Ohio R.C. 3701.59
Responsibility of Manager re construction of sewerage system - see ADM. 232.01 
Prosecutions for theft of utilities - see GEN. OFF. 642.26 
Polluting and diverting watercourses - see GEN. OFF. 660.04 
   (a)   A separate and individual water service lateral shall be provided to each single family unit or commercial building.
   (b)   A separate and individual building sewer shall be provided to each single family unit or commercial building.
   (c)   All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of a water service lateral or building sewer shall be borne entirely by the property owner. The owner shall indemnify the Municipality from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer or water service lateral.
(Ord. 9-87. Passed 3-9-87.)
   (a)   No person shall make any connection with any sewer or water main or make any repair, removal or excavation thereof without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Water Division and the Sewer Division.
   (b)   Permits shall be kept and displayed at the construction site at all times while work is in progress.
   (c)   The issuance by the Department of Service of a permit to tap into a sewer or water line does not relieve the permit holder of the responsibility of securing permits from the proper governing agencies for permission to perform the work in the public or private rights-of-way that are involved.
(Ord. 9-87. Passed 3-9-87.)
   (a)   A permit shall be obtained by the property owner or an agent for the owner, such as a contractor or plumber engaged by the property owner, at the office of the Department of Service. A written application shall be made for each tap permit, and each application shall contain the name and address of the property owner, the name of the contractor and the location of the property (street and address, parcel or subdivision and lot number). No tap permit will be issued unless such information is submitted in writing. Permits may be obtained only from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on regular working days.
   (b)   Prior to the issuance of a permit, the following fees and charges shall be paid by the property owner or the agent for the owner. These charges are subject to amendment by Council and are not to be construed as being fixed for an indefinite period of time:
      (1)   A tap in charge (water) or connection charge (sewer), established pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code, for the privilege of connecting to the water and/or sewer systems;
      (2)   An equalization charge, if applicable, for a connection to a water or sewer system for properties not included in the computation of assessments levied against improved properties for the construction of the original system;
      (3)   A nonparticipant charge, if applicable, for a connection to an existing water or sewer line constructed pursuant to a construction reimbursement contract;
      (4)   An inspection fee to cover the cost of inspection by personnel of the Water Division and the Sewer Division for the building sewer or water service lateral; or
      (5)   For water services, either a service connection fee or a meter set fee, whichever is applicable, to reimburse the Municipality for expenses incurred in providing water service to a property.
   (c)   Permits for building sewers or water service laterals within a recorded section of a newly developed area will not be issued until construction of sanitary sewers and water mains within the development has been approved by the Water Division and the Sewer Division.
(Ord. 9-87. Passed 3-9-87.)