(a)   Statements are due and payable at the Water Department office of the Municipality on the twentieth day of the month following that in which water was used. All statements paid after the twentieth day of the month following that in which water was used shall be assessed a ten percent penalty, providing the tenth day of the month is not a Saturday or a legal holiday. In such a case statements may be paid on the next day that the Water Department office is officially opened, without any penalty.
   (b)    Water statements not paid by the twenty-sixth day of the month following that in which water was used shall be declared delinquent and written notice shall be given to such delinquent water users that water may be discontinued on and after the thirtieth day of the month in which water was used. If such delinquent water user requests resumption of service after payment of all back statements and penalties, a charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be assessed to such delinquent water user as a turn-on charge. Turn-on charges for nondelinquent water users shall be ten dollars ($10.00). (Ord. 2020-05. Passed 8-3-20.)