(a)   All exterior lighting systems shall be designed, installed and maintained in such a manner as to minimize or substantially reduce disability glare at any location on or off the property; and to minimize or substantially reduce light trespass beyond the property lot line, minimize sky illumination, and present an overall appearance that is compatible with Canton's character. All searchlights are prohibited except where provided for elsewhere in these regulations.
   (b)   All outdoor lighting on residential lots shall be designed and maintained so as to prevent glare and/or light trespass onto adjacent properties.
   (c)   All outdoor lighting shall be directed to avoid glare outside the property line or boundary, or into the sky.
   (d)   All outdoor lighting which is designed and intended to illuminate buildings or yards shall be arranged so that the lights will not shine into the eyes of any person external to the premises, or cause a nuisance or hazard from glare.
   (e)   Poles and standards used for outdoor lighting shall not exceed 20 feet in height. Photometric plans shall be required for all lots providing more than 20 parking spaces and the Commission encourages 12 to 15-foot light poles.
   (f)   Lighting fixtures shall be full cut off with low glare and directed lighting.
   (g)   All non-essential lighting for security purposes shall be turned off after hours.
   (h)   Area illuminators for parking lots, driveways, pedestrian walkways, and yards shall be pole-mounted or building-mounted. Flood lighting shall be avoided except for loading areas. Building-mounted floodlights may be installed where full cut-off Luminaires are impractical, provided top and side shields are attached and maintained to prevent light emission above a vertical cut-off angle of forty-five degrees.
   (i)   Fixtures shall be designed and mounted such that neither the light source nor the lens are visible from above a height of five feet at the property lot line. Luminaires with sag lens or drop lens shall be shielded.
   (j)   Recessed low intensity up-lights, well lights, louvered lights, and cone lights may be used for landscaping purposes only.
   (k)   The Board may approve a height greater than twenty feet for sports area luminaires provided the luminaires are designed, located and directed to prevent glare and light trespass.
   (l)   Temporary events shall be exempt from the luminaire height and cut-off requirements of these regulations provided a Zoning Permit has been granted for the event and the illumination system will be used only during the temporary event.
   (m)   The Zoning Inspector may approve temporary floodlights higher than twenty feet at a construction site for which a Zoning Permit has been issued, provided the luminaires are designed, located and directed to prevent glare and light trespass.
   (n)   Externally illuminated signs shall be down-lighted.
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)