539.06 VEHICLES.
   (a)   Speed Limits. Upon the roads or avenues of any park, vehicles shall be operated at a rate of speed not to exceed twenty miles per hour unless otherwise posted . Any adjustments to posted rates of speed in upon these roads or avenues must be approved by the Canton Park Commission and the Canton City Engineer. This section, however, shall not apply to persons employed by the City who are engaged in the lawful discharge of the duties of their employment as directed.
   (b)   Impounding of Vehicles by Park Police Is Authorized.
      (1)   When any vehicle is left unattended in a park for more than forty-eight hours without the approval of the Board.
      (2)   When any vehicle becomes unattended as a result of any unlawful conduct, act, or if the vehicle is reported stolen.
      (3)   When any vehicle is parked in such a way as to constitute a hazard or obstruction to the normal movement of traffic or so as to create a public safety concern.
   (c)   Obedience to Traffic Control Devices. No person shall fail to follow the instructions of any traffic control device in the park.
   (d)   Operation in the Park.
      (1)   No person shall park, tow, or drive any vehicle, powered by any means other than manual power, upon any portion of a park except on park roadways or other areas designated for such purposes without the approval of the Board. This section shall not apply to Park System maintenance, City of Canton, Canton Joint Recreation District or emergency vehicles.
      (2)   No person shall operate any vehicle in any park without having the properly issued, valid operators or commercial driver's license as required by the Ohio Revised Code.
   (e)   Reckless Operation. No person shall operate a vehicle of any kind in a park without due regard for the safety or persons or property.
   (f)   Trucks and Commercial Vehicles.
      (1)   No person shall drive, park, or operate a commercial truck, tractor, equipment, or any vehicle used for the transportation of goods and materials, either loaded or unloaded, over any roadway or portion of a park without the approval of the Commission.
      (2)   This section shall not apply to Park System maintenance, City of Canton, Canton Joint Recreation District, emergency vehicles, or commercial vehicles making deliveries to the Canton Garden Center or in service to the Commission or Canton Joint Recreation District.
   (g)   ATV/APV (All-Terrain Vehicle or All-Purpose Vehicle). These vehicles, which are defined as any open motor vehicle having one seat and three or more wheels fitted with large tires designed chiefly for recreational use off-road, shall not be operated on any park lands unless it is in an area specifically designated for such purpose.
   (h)   Snowmobiles. No person shall operate a snowmobile or other self-propelled vehicle steered by skis, runners, or caterpillar treads which is designated to travel in snow or on ice-covered surfaces as defined in section 4519.01(A) of the Ohio Revised Code upon any park lands unless it is in an area specifically designated for such purpose.
   (i)   Motorcycles, Mini-bikes, Etc. No person shall operate any motor vehicles, motorcycles, off-road cycle, or minibike, within any area of the park district, except such designated roads, driveway, or parking lot and not without proper registration unless it is in an area specifically designated for such purpose.
   (j)   Parking. No person shall park or store any motor car, motor vehicle, bicycle, wagon or other vehicle within any traveled roadway in the park or at any location where posted signs prohibit parking except in emergencies or upon any sod, turf, gravel, or other surface not specifically designated for parking.
   (k)   Washing, Maintaining, And/or Repairing of Vehicles.
      (1)   No person shall wash, polish, clean in any manner whatsoever or repair any motor vehicle, except emergency repairs, in any public park or playground.
      (2)   No person shall operate any traction engine, steam roller or commercial vehicle upon the roads or avenues of any park except such as are used by the City in the repair and maintenance of the parks.
   (l)   Trail Access.
      (1)   No person shall operate any motorized vehicle on any trail.
      (2)   Persons using an approved ADA mobility device are exempt from this section.
      (3)   This section shall not apply to Park System maintenance, City of Canton, Canton Joint Recreation District or emergency vehicles.
   (m)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor, and is subject to suspension from the park and criminal prosecution.
(Ord. 59-2016. Passed 4-4-16.)