This chapter hereby establishes a voluntary employment opportunity plan to secure the representation of blacks and females (collectively referred to as minorities) in the Police and Fire Departments by adopting a plan to rectify previous imbalances based on race and sex. The selection procedure described in this chapter is adopted pursuant to Ohio R.C. 124.90 and shall apply only when the percentages described in either subsection (a) or (b) have not been met. The percentages identified are an aspiration. No sections of this chapter shall be construed as guaranteeing employment to any person on the basis of race or sex.
   (a)   Canton shall adopt a policy for rectifying previous racial imbalances by aspiring to hire a sufficient number of black or African American persons to achieve a work force composition who are permanent, non-probationary employees in the Police and Fire Departments, so as not to result in a pattern or practice of discrimination with regard to race. The City shall achieve this aspiration by striving to attain a composition in the Police and Fire Departments that would accurately reflect the number of blacks or African Americans potentially available for hire in the City of Canton work force. This demographic profile shall be measured by reference to the most recent 10-year census for the City of Canton in the population group “black or African American” with the characteristic of 18 years and over. In accordance with the 2000 census for the City of Canton the percentage of the population which is black or African American 18 years of age and over is 18.26%.
   (b)   Canton shall adopt a policy for rectifying previous imbalances based on sex by aspiring to hire a sufficient number of female persons to achieve a work force composition who are permanent, non-probationary employees in the Police and Fire Departments so as not to result in a pattern or practice of discrimination with regard to sex. The City shall strive to attain 5% regarding the female composition of the Police and Fire Departments.
   (c)   During the periods that either the Police or Fire Department achieves the percentages identified in subsection (a) or (b), the provisions of this chapter shall not apply as to that Department and the Civil Service Commission shall follow Civil Service law as prescribed in Ohio R.C. Chapter 124 and the Commission’s local rules and regulations. The provisions of this chapter shall expire on December 31, 2011.
(Ord. 219-2006. Passed 11-13-06.)