(a)   The Chief Building Official and the officers and employees of the Building Department, or persons authorized by such department, upon presentation of proper credentials and having obtained consent from the property owner or tenant in possession, may enter at reasonable times or such other times as may be necessary, any structure, dwelling, premises or building site, or upon property or structures alleged to be unsafe or in a nuisance condition, for the purpose of making inspections and performing their duties.
   (b)   If acting pursuant to actual or apparent emergency conditions, such persons described in subsection (a) hereof may so enter without first obtaining consent of the property owner or tenant in possession.
   (c)   If consent for entry or inspection cannot be obtained, or if for any other reason an inspector is unable to enter or obtain free access to a structure for the purpose of inspection, the inspector may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an administrative inspection warrant pursuant to Section 1301.20 or other court order, or the inspector may make the inspection in any other manner authorized by law.
(Ord. 39-95. Passed 3-20-95.)