(a)   The City shall pay to any full-time City employee serving in temporary military service his/her regular full pay for a period not to exceed thirty-one days less any compensation received from the military authority. Except as provided in subsection (c), any full-time City employee serving more than thirty-one days but less than six complete months shall receive no pay from the City but shall accrue vacation, longevity, sick leave, years in service and seniority. Any military service in excess of six months shall be considered to be full-time military service.
   (b)   Except as provided in subsections (c), (d) and (e), all full-time City employees serving on a full-time basis in the National Guard or United States Armed Forces, which is defined to be any period of service in excess of six consecutive months or six non-consecutive months in any given year, shall receive no pay from the City and shall accrue no vacation, sick leave, years in service or seniority for any purpose. All such employees shall be entitled to such reemployment rights as are provided under the laws of the United States and of the State of Ohio. Such full-time employees shall be restored to their position, or position of like seniority and status in pay to which they held prior to entering the military service.
   (c)   All full-time City employees called to active military service pursuant to an Order by the President of the United States or an Act of Congress, shall be paid his/her regular full pay for a period not to exceed one year, less any compensation received from the military authority.
   (d)   All full-time City employees called to active military service pursuant to an Order by the President of the United States or an Act of Congress may elect to continue family health care coverage for his/her dependents. In the event an employee elects continuation coverage pursuant to this section, the City shall pay the premiums for said coverage for a period not to exceed one year.
   (e)   All full-time City employees called to active military service pursuant to an Order by the President of the United States or an Act of Congress shall accrue vacation, longevity, sick leave, years in service and seniority for a period not to exceed one year.
   (f)   To receive compensation pursuant to subsections (a) or (c), the employee must timely submit proof of military earnings.
(Ord. 270-2001. Passed 12-17-01.)