(a)   Any license holder or applicant for a license dissatisfied with any ruling or decision of any Municipal officer, board or commission concerning licensing may appeal therefrom to the License Appeals Board.
   (b)   In order to perfect an appeal from the decision of any Municipal officer, board or commission concerning a licensing matter, the license holder or applicant for a license who is affected by the ruling or decision shall, within thirty days after receiving notice of any adverse licensing decision, file a notice of appeal with the Law Director in which notice he shall state the specific licensing issue which is the subject of the appeal and the grounds for the appeal. The License Appeals Board shall schedule and conduct a hearing within thirty days after the filing of the notice of appeal and notify the appellant and such other parties as the Board deems necessary to properly adjudicate the matter in writing of the hearing date, time and place. The appellant shall have the right to submit a written statement, to appear at the hearing in person or to be represented by an attorney or other representative. The decision of the Board following the hearing shall be provided in writing to the appellant within ten days from the date of the hearing.
(Ord. 160-90. Passed 7-30-90.)