The Director of Public Safety is hereby authorized to enter into contracts for a period of not more than three years, which contracts may be renewed for succeeding periods of not more than three years, with any person owning or having interest in property outside the City limits whereby the City shall furnish fire protection for such property. Such contracts shall provide for compensation based upon any of the provisions set forth in Ohio R.C. 717.02. Such contracts, however, shall not bind the City to send its firemen or apparatus out, if in the opinion of the Chief or his designated assistant, the same would endanger the fire protection to the property in the City. Such contracts shall allow the Fire Chief or his designated assistant to send the number of men and pieces of apparatus, supervise and control the same at the scene of the fire, or to withdraw the same at his discretion, and in each instance his decision shall be final.
   In accordance with Ohio R.C. 717.02, twenty-five percent of the amount received by the City on any such contract shall be paid into the Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund.
(1964 Code §207.43)