(a)   The ARB shall, at its first meeting in January of each year, elect one of its members as Chairman and a second member as Vice-Chairman. The ARB shall hold such meetings as it may determine, but no less than two (2) in any calendar month. However, meetings may be canceled if there is no business pending before the ARB.
   (b)   The City of Canton Director of Planning or his/her named Department of Planning staff member shall act as Secretary of the ARB whose duties shall be to administer and keep minutes of the meetings and proceedings of the ARB and perform such other duties as the ARB may require. These minutes shall be kept by audio recording, and these recordings shall be kept for no less than three (3) years from the date of the meeting. The ARB shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions at the office of the Planning Department.
   (c)   All meetings of the ARB shall be open to the public in compliance with Ohio R.C. Section 121.22 (Sunshine Law) and Canton City Ordinance Chapter 109 (Open Meetings). Three (3) members of the ARB shall constitute a quorum.
   (d)   ARB members must, at all times, abide by Ohio's ethics laws, as found in Chapters 102 and 2921 of the Ohio Revised Code, and as interpreted by the Ohio Ethics Commission and Ohio courts. Members must conduct themselves, at all times, in a manner that avoids favoritism, bias, or the appearance of impropriety.
   (e)   The Mayor may remove any appointed member of the ARB for cause subject to approval by Council.
   (f)   The internal rules of governance of the ARB shall be adopted by the ARB as soon as practicable following the installation of the first Board. These rules shall include a provision requiring disclosure of any conflicts of interest of any ARB member. It shall require the vote of four out of the five ARB members for the rules to take effect. This four/fifths majority shall also be required to change or alter the internal rules of governance, except that, in either situation, if there are less than five (5) ARB members currently appointed as members, a majority of the ARB members may vote on the creation and/or alteration of the internal rules of governance of the Board. (Ord. 70-2022. Passed 3-28-22.)