(a)   Extra Strength Surcharges. Where flows and loads are discharged in excess of the limitations established in Section 943.01 , a surcharge over and above the charges established in Section 947.06 shall be levied on all flow and loadings which are in excess of normal strength limitations, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Director of Public Service, as follows:
      (1)   TSS Surcharge. To be charged per pound of excess total suspended solids.
      (2)   BOD Surcharge. To be charged per pound of excess five-day biochemical oxygen demand.
      (3)   COD Surcharge. To be charged per pound of excess chemical oxygen demand.
      (4)   Ammonia-Nitrogen (NH3-N). To be charged per pound of excess ammonia-nitrogen.
      (5)   Phosphorus (PO4). To be charged per pound of excess phosphorus.
   (b)   Charge for Septage. Where any domestic septage is brought to the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) by means other than the collection system for treatment and disposal, there shall be a charge for such disposal per each 1,000 gallons disposed of.
   (c)   Added Charge, Right-To-Service Users. Where “right-to-service” users have entered into agreement with the City whereby unused capacity of the treatment works is reserved, there shall be established a right-to-service charge. This charge shall be pursuant to contract between the City and User and shall be in addition to all other charges set forth in this chapter and shall be computed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Director and in compliance with any applicable rules and regulations of the U.S. EPA and/or Ohio EPA or other applicable regulatory or funding agencies.
   (d)   The rates for each of the charges and/or surcharges to be charged for the items enumerated above in this section shall be as set forth in the rate schedule in Section 947.06, as adjusted from year to year in accordance with the adjustment provisions contained in said section. (Ord. 142-2001. Passed 7-16-01; Ord. 183-2001. Passed 8-27-01; Ord. 79-2008. Passed 6-2- 08.)