(a)   No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of cutting, pruning, treating or removing trees within the City until: (1) the Director of Public Service and/or Engineering Department is satisfied of the applicant's knowledge and ability to treat, prune, cut or remove trees and that the applicant's knowledge and experience indicate that he or she is capable of removing trees without endangering persons or property as demonstrated by International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)-certification and adherence to the most current American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards; (2) the person, firm, or corporation has been issued a valid license by the City of Canton.
   (b)   Any person, firm or corporation who applies for a license that runs for a calendar year must register at the office of Canton City Engineering at 2436 - 30th Street N.E., Canton, Ohio 44705. An applicant who has demonstrated his or her fitness and ability, is equipped with proper tools and equipment (OSHA standards) to perform tree work, and furnishes references to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service and/or Engineering Department shall be issued a license. The license may be revoked for cause by the Director of Public Service and/or Engineering Department when proper tree care practice has been violated or for failure to comply with any provision of this chapter.
   (c)   Employees of the City or the Canton Park Commission are exempted from this section while performing city duties, provided they have been trained to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service and/or Engineering Department.
   (d)   Any person, firm or corporation who applies to the City for a license and who is in arrears on City of Canton income tax or other City loan repayments shall be denied a license.
   (e)   License Fee. The fee to obtain an annual license for cutting, treating, pruning, or removing trees is one hundred dollars ($100.00)
   (f)   Bond and Insurance. Before proceeding with any tree works, each applicant shall deposit with the Engineering Department, or a designee, the following:
      (1)   A performance bond in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000);
      (2)   A certificate of insurance, showing that the applicant is covered with liability and property damage insurance in the minimum amounts of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for liability, two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for property damage; and
      (3)   Evidence of Worker's Compensation Coverage; and
      (4)   Evidence of current certified Arborist accreditation or other experience and/or training satisfactory to the Director of Public Service and/or designee that demonstrates knowledge of proper tree care.
   (g)   List of Licensed Contractors. A list of licensed contractors shall be available to the public.
   (h)   Any person or entity that cuts, prunes or removes trees in such a manner that a public street shall be blocked off shall notify the offices of the Directors of Public Service and Safety and/or Engineering Department at least one business day in advance of the cutting, or as soon as practicable when bona-fide emergency circumstances exist.
   (i)   Any person who has been denied a license or has had a license revoked under this section may appeal the adverse decision to the city of Canton License Appeals Board pursuant to Chapter 149 of the Codified Ordinances of the city of Canton.
(Ord. 165-2018. Passed 7-30-18; Ord. 97-2024. Passed 5-6-24.)