An adjacent property owner to a City right of way desiring to plant or replace a tree along a street in the right of way shall file an application and plan with the Director of Public Service and/or Engineering Department. The Director of Public Service and/or Engineering Department, in consultation with the City Arborist, shall cause an inspection to be made of the location of the trees proposed to be planted by the applicant and, if satisfied with the proposed location of such trees is feasible and in accordance with the City’s Plan therefore, shall issue to the applicant, at a cost of five dollars ($5.00), a permit granting the applicant authority to plant such trees and to do all the construction and other work incidental thereto. The holder of such permit shall conduct such work in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Director of Public Service and/or Engineering Department and under his general supervision. No planting shall be conducted in that area except in conformity with such plans and specifications and the terms of this section. The permit holder shall ascertain the location of utility easements and lines prior to planting. Said plans shall be in conformance with the distance requirements prescribed in Section 917.07(c). If the permit area involves a cityscape location that includes tree grates, the tree grates may not be handled by a property owner. They may only be handled by the tree planting contractor or City crews. If City crews are needed to remove and replace the tree grates, there will be an additional thirty-five dollar ($35.00) charge per tree grate, in addition to the five dollar ($5.00) permit fee, for the City to handle the tree grates. Tree species to be planted must be selected from the list of approved trees maintained in the City Arborist and approved for planting at the specific permit location. All trees must be planted in conformance with proper planting standards established by the City Arborist.
(Ord. 244-2013. Passed 12-16-13.)