(a)   Canton Tree Commission. There is hereby established the Canton Tree Commission in order to assist and advise City Council, the Canton Park Commission and their agents with the creation of a comprehensive plan for the preservation, planting, maintenance, removal and replacement of trees and shrubs in the public streets, rights-of-way, parks and other municipal-owned property in the City's Urban Forest.
   (b)   Membership. The Canton Tree Commission shall consist of five (5) commissioners who shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of Council, and who shall serve without compensation. Members shall be residents of the City or persons who are employed in the City. At least three members shall be experienced in or have extensive knowledge of the care of trees through documented certification and/or education including training through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry known as the Tree Commission Academy. In addition, a public utility representative, a member of Council, the City Park Director, City Engineer and Director of Public Service shall serve as advisory ex officio members of the Commission. These officials or their designees shall attend all meetings of the Commission. All members shall be encouraged to attend the Tree Commission Academy as a condition of recommended reappointment.
   (c)   Term of Office. The term of office of commissioners shall be two years. Initially the members shall be appointed as follows: three members shall be appointed for a term of two years; two members shall be appointed for a term of one year. Members may be reappointed to successive terms. In the event of a vacancy during the term of any member, the Mayor shall appoint a successor to serve the unexpired portion of that term. Members shall hold over in their terms until a successor is appointed.
   (d)    Officers and Meetings. The Commission shall conduct public meetings a minimum of six times each year. The Commission may call additional meetings as needed. At the first meeting of the Commission, one member shall be selected as chairperson, another as vice chairperson, and another as secretary who shall serve for a term of one year. The chairperson shall have the responsibility of calling the meetings and preparing the agenda.
      (1)   A simple majority of the appointed members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any member who is absent for three unexcused consecutive meetings without just cause shall be removed from the Commission and the Mayor shall appoint a new member to serve the unexpired term, subject to the approval of Council.
      (2)   The Commission shall keep minutes of its meetings in conjunction with a City administrative assistant, a copy of which shall be kept on file in the office of Canton City Council. All plans, findings, reports and recommendations of the Commission shall be in writing and shall designate thereon the names of the members concurring therein.
   (e)   Tree Commission Duties.
      (1)   Provide an incremental inventory, as resources allow, of the location of public trees and determine areas where appropriate trees could exist but are absent.
      (2)   Study, investigate, and develop a written plan of standards for caring, preserving, pruning, replanting, removing or disposing of trees and shrubs along public streets, parks and other public areas for recommendation to City Council;
      (3)   Establish a suggested and prohibited species list for the City and recommend to the City the types and kinds of trees to be planted on City property;
      (4)   Identify trees for immediate removal;
      (5)   Disseminate educational information regarding the selection, planting and maintenance of trees within the City to the public;
      (6)   Solicit grants or contributions and volunteers on behalf of the City for use in an inventory, enhancing the City's tree plan and educating the public;
      (7)   Provide Council with a yearly estimate of personnel costs and the cost of nursery stock to be used; and
      (8)   Provide technical advice and assistance to developers, builders, contractors, subcontractors and others in the selection, replacement and protection of naturally occurring trees, prior to the development of any construction sites.
   (f)   Tree Plan. The documents and plans created pursuant to Paragraph (e) will be presented biennially to Council, and upon their acceptance and approval shall constitute the official comprehensive biennial tree plan for the City.
(Ord. 50-2012. Passed 4-9-12.)