(a)   "Arborist" means a person with expertise in the care and maintenance of trees and International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certification.
   (b)   "Adjacent property owner" means the person, firm, entity or corporation owning or agent having the care of any premises abutting on any public street, lane, alley or highway in the City.
   (c)   "Nuisance tree or hazard tree" means any tree, shrub, bush or woody vegetation that obstructs street lights, traffic signs, the free passage of pedestrians or vehicles, interferes with utility lines and facilities within public rights-of-way or a tree that poses a threat to public health, safety or welfare.         
   (d)   "Public trees" means any trees on land lying within a public street, park or rights-of-way within the municipal corporate limits to which the public has lawful access.
   (e)   "Tree topping", also known as "heading", "tipping", "hat-racking" and "rounding over", is defined as the severe or indiscriminate cutting of tree limbs to stubs within the tree's crown to such a degree as to remove the normal canopy, or cutting limbs to the extent that the lateral branches are not large enough to assume the terminal role.
   (f)   "Tree" means a woody perennial plant typically having a single stem or trunk that is greater than 6" in diameter and growing to a considerable height bearing lateral branches. In addition, younger plants specifically cultivated by the city of Canton that will reach 6" or greater in diameter at breast height as they mature.
   (g)   "Tree lawn or devil's strip" and "street tree" means the grassy area located between the roadway and sidewalk.
   (h)   "Urban Forest" means the collection of all trees and woody vegetation within the Canton municipal corporate limits.
   (i)   "Utility" means any water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, gas, electric, or telecommunication pipe, conduit, fiber, cable or conduit located under or above ground.
(Ord. 165-2018. Passed 7-30-18.)