(a)    Application for a license for an amusement device or a musical device shall be made by the owner of the device to the Director of Public Safety upon such forms as shall be prescribed therefor. On the application the owner shall state his name, whether an individual, partnership, firm, corporation, club or society or other legal entity, the address at which the device will be maintained and operated, the nature of the business conducted at such place, the make, name, model, serial number and other identifying information with reference to the particular device which will be operated, and the name and address of the owner of the premises and such other information as the Director in his exclusive discretion may require.
   (b)    Application for an amusement arcade license shall be made by the entity operating as an amusement arcade and shall state the name and address of the owner of the premises, the nature of the business, number of devices and the license number for each device.
   (c)   Except for any amusement arcades that may be presently located in the following zoning districts, no more than a total of five licenses for amusement devices in any one premises shall be issued in the following zoning districts as defined by these Codified Ordinances:
      R-1   Single-family Residence District
      R-la   Single-family Residence District
      R-2   Two-family Residence District
      R-3   Garden, Townhouse Apartment District
      R-4   Multi-family Residence District
      R-5   Planned Unit Development District
      B-1   Office Business District
      B-2   Neighborhood Business District
   (d)    Except for any amusement arcades that may be operating at the time this section is adopted, no amusement arcade shall be permitted to be established, nor a license issued, within 600 feet to any elementary or junior high school.
   (e)    Any number of licenses for amusement devices may be issued in other zoning districts as defined by these Codified Ordinances, except as provided in subsections (c) and (d) hereof or otherwise provided by law.
(Ord. 146-95. Passed 7-17-95.)