(a)    The existence of any discriminatory practice and the commission of any act constituting the same is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and any person injured or aggrieved thereby may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an order enjoining the continuance of any such practice or act.
   (b)    Whenever deemed necessary, in order to protect the rights of the complainant and to preserve the power of the Fair Employment Practices Board to act upon or to resolve a complaint, the Civil Rights Attorney designated by the City Law Director may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction against the respondent restraining him from taking any action which would prevent the Board from acting or which would make any order issued by the Board meaningless.
   (c)   Unless an appeal is pending, in the event the respondent fails or refuses to comply with an order issued by the Board, it shall certify the case, together with the record of its proceedings including the complete transcript thereof, and also the available evidence of noncompliance to the City Law Director, and it shall be the mandatory duty of the City Law Director to seek compliance with the Board's order by bringing a civil action in the name of the Fair Employment Practices Board of the City before a court of competent jurisdiction for injunctive or other relief as may be necessary and appropriate to enforce compliance with such orders.
(Ord. 383-77. Passed 11-21-77.)