1137.02 DISTRICTS.
   (a)   For the purpose stated in Section 1121.01, the Municipality allows for the following districts as follows:
   Regular Zoning Districts
A-1       Agricultural District
R-1       Single-Family Residential District
R-2       Single-Family Residential District
R-3       Single-Family Residential District
R-4       Two-Family Residential District
R-5       Three to Four-Family Residential District
R-6      Three to Four-Family Residential District
R-7      Multiple Family Residential District
R-MHP   Mobile Home Park Residential District
R-PUD   Planned Urban Development Residential District
R/O       Residential/Office District
O       Office District
B-1       Village Green Commercial District
B-2       General Commercial District
B-3       Highway Commercial District
M-1       Manufacturing District.
Special Zoning District
S       Special District
Review Areas
D             Design Area
H       Historical Preservation Area
(Ord. 1989-12. Passed 4-18-89; Ord. 1991-17. Passed 4-18-91; Ord. 1991-7. Passed 4-2-91; Ord. 1991-8. Passed 4-2-91; Ord. 1991-9. Passed 4-2-91: Ord. 1991-18. Passed 5-7-91.)
   (b)   The Regular and Special Zoning Districts designated on the Zoning Map and described in this Zoning Ordinance are hereby established, and no buildings or structures shall be erected or altered, nor any land within the corporate limits be used, except when in conformity with the regulations herein prescribed.
(Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)