General Provisions
   EDITOR’S NOTE: By Ordinance 2001-12, passed March 7, 2001, Council amended the Zoning Ordinance to read as set forth in Titles Three to Nine of this Part Eleven - Planning and Zoning Code.
1121.01   Title; limits.
1121.02   Requirements generally.
Interpretation - see P. & Z. 1123.02
District regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1141
Conditionally permitted uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1151
1121.01 TITLE; LIMITS.
   For the purpose of reference and citation, Titles Three to Nine of this Part Eleven - Planning and Zoning Code shall be known as the Zoning Ordinance of the Municipality and may be referred to as the Zoning Ordinance.
   This Ordinance has been developed in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and is designed and intended to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the Municipality, to encourage sound and orderly growth and to protect existing development through conservation of property values.
   The entire land area within the incorporated limits of the Municipality, except for land owned by or used by the Municipality, is subject to the provisions specified in this Ordinance. Land owned by and/or used by the Municipality is regulated by the Municipal Council.
(Ord. 1994-11. Passed 3-1-94.)
   (a)    The provisions specified in the Zoning Ordinance shall be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare.
   (b)   (1)   Where the provisions specified in this Ordinance exceed the requirements specified in other Municipal, County, State or Federal ordinances, statutes or regulations, the provisions required in this Ordinance shall be followed.
      (2)    Where the provisions specified in this Ordinance exceed the requirements specified in other ordinances of the Municipality the provisions required in this Ordinance shall be followed.
   (c)   (1)    On all lots which are located in an area which is under the jurisdiction of the D-Design Area, as delineated on the Design Area Map or by ordinance, no zoning certificate shall be issued until all plans relating to the proposed use of the area in question have been reviewed and approved by the Design Review Committee in accordance with the requirements outlined in Chapter 1129. If a contradiction exists between the Design Area Map and the Codified Ordinances, the Ordinances shall be the controlling authority.
      (2)    On all lots which are located in an area which is under the jurisdiction of the Historical Preservation Area as delineated on the Historical Preservation Area Design Map, no zoning certificate or permit shall be issued until all plans relating to the proposed use of the area in question have been reviewed and approved by the Historical Preservation Area Review Committee in accordance with the applicable requirements outlined in Chapter 1129. If a contradiction exists between the Historical Preservation Area Design Map and the Codified Ordinances, the Ordinances shall be the controlling authority.
   (d)   No building or structure shall be constructed, enlarged, converted, structurally altered or reconstructed, nor shall any building or structure be moved onto a zoning lot which does not conform with the provisions specified in this Ordinance.
   (e)   No legally described parcel of land or any other lot shall be created that is not in conformance with the provisions specified in this Ordinance.
   (f)   Following the adoption of this Ordinance, no building or structure shall be constructed or altered so as to:
       (1)    Exceed the height, area or yard requirements of the zoning district in which such building or structure is located.
      (2)    Accommodate or house more dwelling units than permitted on a lot in the zoning district in which such building or structure is located.
   (g)   Following the adoption of this Ordinance, no land shall be used for a purpose that is not in conformance with the provisions specified in this Ordinance, except temporary structures shall be permitted in any zoning district provided that such structure or use is of a temporary nature, and further provided that such use does not involve or require the erection of a substantial building or structure. A temporary and revocable permit, granted for a period not to exceed twelve months, shall be required for all temporary structures.
   (h)   Any legal use, building or structure, excluding signs, which existed prior to the adoption of this Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 1973-44, passed December 18, 1973) may be continued as a non-conforming use, subject to the provisions specified in this Ordinance.
   (i)   Every building or structure constructed or placed on a lot in the Municipality shall be located on a lot herein defined; and in no case shall there be more than one principal building on a lot, except as permitted in this Ordinance.
   (j)   No yard, or part thereof, open space, off-street parking or loading space that is required for a building, structure or use for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be considered in the meeting of the same or similar requirements for another building, structure or use.
   (k)   No free standing principal building located in any O, R-O, B-1, B-2, B-3, M or S zoning district shall contain less than 200 square feet of floor area on the ground floor.
   (l)   No curb cuts shall be permitted without proper approval.
   (m)    This Ordinance shall not require any changes or alterations to be made to any plans, layout, construction, size or designated use of any development, building, structure or part thereof which have been officially approved and have had the required permits issued prior to the adoption of this Ordinance, provided that construction is started within six months of the passage of this Ordinance and completed two years thereafter; and that such construction is carried out in conformance with the approved plans. All permits for construction which are not begun within six months of the adoption of this Ordinance are hereby revoked and void.
(Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)