Definitions and Interpretation
1123.01   Definitions.
1123.02   Interpretation of text and map.
Sign definitions - see P. & Z. 1183.11
As used in this Zoning Ordinance, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed herein, unless otherwise specifically provided.
   (1)    "Accessory building" means a subordinate building which is customarily incidental to and located on the same lot as the main or primary building, such as a detached garage or utility building, within a residential zoning district. Accessory buildings are prohibited in all non-residential zoning districts. An accessory building in a zoning district must match the primary building in terms of materials, color and architecture and shall not contain more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the first-floor area of the main building and in no case shall the total area of all accessory building on a lot comprise more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the building area of the rear yard in which it is located.
   (Ord. 2022-09. Passed 3-2-22.)
   (2)    "Accessory use" means a subordinate use which is customarily incidental to and located on the same lot as the main or primary building. An accessory use in an R- 1 zoning district shall not contain more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the first floor area of the main building, and in no case shall the total area of all accessory uses on a lot comprise more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the building area of the rear yard in which it is located.
      (Ord. 1994-49. Passed 10-5-94.)
   (3)    "Adjustment" means a variation from a strict interpretation of the terms of this Ordinance, owing to peculiar conditions or circumstances which apply only to the property in question, and no other. Adjustments shall be granted only in accordance with Section 1127.03(b). Adjustments shall not be permitted for a use which is not permitted or a conditionally permitted use in the zoning district in which the property, building or structure is located.
      (Ord. 1994-10. Passed 3-1-94.)
   (4)    "Agriculture" means the use of land, buildings or structures for general farming, dairying, pasturage, apiculture, floriculture, horticulture, viticulture, greenhouses and the sale of agricultural products, not including animal and/or poultry husbandry.
   (5)    "Alley" means a public or private way, thirty (30) feet or less in width, which is used primarily for vehicular access to the back or side of properties which otherwise abut on streets.
   (6)    "Automobile wash" means any structure, or part thereof, used for the washing of cars either by manual or assembly line techniques, utilizing employees or the car owner or a combination of both.
   (7)    "Automobile service station" means a place where gasoline, kerosene or any other motor fuel, lubricating oil or grease for operating motor vehicles is offered for sale to the public and deliveries are made directly into motor vehicles, and may include greasing and oiling on the premises and replacement or installation of minor parts and accessories, but not including major repair work, such as motor replacement, body and fender repair, spray painting, upholstery work, auto glasswork, welding, tire recapping, auto dismantling or major mechanical repair.
   (8)    "Automobile service station, repair garage" means a place where gasoline, kerosene or other motor fuel, lubricating oil or grease for operating motor vehicles may be offered for sale to the public and deliveries are made directly into motor vehicles, and may include greasing and oiling on the premises and replacement or installation of parts and accessories, including major repair work such as motor replacement, body and fender repair, spray painting, upholstery work, auto glasswork, welding, tire recapping, radiator repairs and other similar major mechanical work.
   (9)    "Basement" means that portion of a building which is partly underground and which has one-half or more of its ceiling height above the average finished grade of the ground adjoining the building in which it is located. (A.O.)
   (9.5)    "Bed and breakfast" means an owner-occupied residential structure which provides for bed and breakfast accommodations for overnight guests only.
(Ord. 1993-28. Passed 5-5-93.)
   (10)    "Board of Appeals" means the Planning Commission functioning as the Board of Appeals.
   (11)    "Building" means any permanent or stationary structure having a roof supported by columns or walls for the housing or enclosure of persons, animals or property. At no time shall this definition be construed to include mobile homes.
   (12)    "Building height" means the vertical distance from the average ground level at the front of the building to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or to the deck line of a mansard roof or to the ridge for gable, hip or gambrel roofs.
   (13)    "Building principal" means the building in which the main or chief use permitted on the zoning lot is conducted.
   (14)    "Building setback line" means the line nearest the front and across a lot establishing the minimum open space to be provided between the front line of the building foundation and the front lot line; or the front line of the foundation of enclosed porches or vestibules if nearer the front line than the main foundation, not including steps.
   (15)    "Business" means an occupation, enterprise, undertaking or employment which engages in the purchase, sale, barter or exchange of goods, wares, merchandise or services or where there is the maintenance or operation of an office or offices for the exhibition, sale or offering of merchandise or services.
   (16)    "Cellar" means a story partly underground and having more than fifty percent (50%) of its clear height below the average level of the adjoining ground. A cellar shall not be considered a story for purposes of height measurement, or in determining the permissible number of stories or in computing floor area or living area.
   (17)    "Charter" means the Charter of the Municipality. (Ord. 2001-12. Passed 3-7-01.)
   (18)   “Churches and Places of Worship” means a place of assembly of a recognized and legally established religious organization whose primary purpose is to conduct worship services, ceremonies, rituals, and related uses customarily incidental and accessary thereto including by way of example offices, educational services, youth programs, senior services, and ministerial programs.
      (Ord. 2016-26. Passed 9-7-16.)
   (19)    "Clerk of Council" means the Clerk of Council of the Municipality.
   (20)    "Clinic" means an establishment where patients, animal or human, are not lodged overnight, but are admitted for examination and treatment by a doctor or group of doctors practicing medicine and/or dentistry together.
   (21)    "Club" means a building or portion thereof, or premises owned by a corporation, association, person or persons for a social, educational or recreational purpose, not primarily for a profit or to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business.
   (22)    "Commercial schools" means an educational establishment engaged in the training or instruction of a specific trade or employment skill. Examples of commercial schools would be secretarial schools, beauty schools and music schools.
   (23)    "Comprehensive Plan" means a plan, or any portion thereof, adopted by the Planning Commission and Council showing the general location and extent of present and proposed land use and transportation facilities including housing, industrial and commercial uses, highways and roads, parks, schools and other community activities. This plan establishes the goals, objectives and policies of the Municipality.
   (24)    "Conditional use" means a use permitted within a district other than a principally permitted use, requiring a conditional use permit and approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals that all prior conditions for approval have been met.
   (25)    "Conditional use permit" means a permit issued by the Zoning Inspector upon approval by the Planning Commission functioning as the Board of Zoning Appeals, to allow a use other than a principally permitted use to be established within the zoning district.
   (26)    "Condominium" is the same as a Dwelling, Multiple-Family, where each family owns its own dwelling unit but where the common areas of the building and site are owned and maintained jointly by the occupants.
   (27)    "Council" means the Municipal Council. (Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
   (28)   “Daycare Facilities” means a facility or business that provides supplemental parental care or supervision for a group of children or adults on a regular basis for less than 24 hours a day under license by and in compliance with the laws of the State of Ohio.
      (Ord. 2021-29. Passed 6-16-21.)
(29)    "Depth of lot, piece or parcel" means the mean distance from the front lot line of the lot, piece or parcel to the rear line measured in the mean direction of the side lines of the lot, piece or parcel.
(30)    "District" means zoning district.
   (31)    "Drainage way" means a watercourse, gully, dry stream, creek or ditch which carries storm water runoff, which is subject to storm flooding or ponding, which is fed by street or building gutters or by water sewers, or which serves the purpose of draining water from the lands adjacent to such watercourse, gully, dry stream, creek or ditch. (Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
   (32)   "Dwelling" means any building, or portion thereof, designed and used exclusively as the residence of one or more persons, but not including a tent, cabin, travel trailer, tree house or a room in a hotel or motel.
   (33)   "Dwelling, single-family" means a building designed for and used exclusively for residential purpose by one family or housekeeping unit.
   (34)    "Dwelling, two-family, semi-detached" means a building designed for and used exclusively for residential purposes by two families or housekeeping units for residential purposes, having one party wall in common with the adjacent dwelling unit.
   (35)   "Dwelling, three to four-family" means a building designed and used exclusively by three to four families for residential purposes.
   (36)   "Dwelling, multiple-family" means a building, or portion thereof, designed for and used exclusively by three or more families or housekeeping units living independent of one another for residential purposes.
      (Ord. 2021-26. Passed 6-2-21.)
   (37)   “Dwelling, detached” means a building having no party wall in common with another building.
   (38)   “Dwelling, mobile home” means any vehicle or mobile structure more than forty-eight (48) feet long, on wheels, skids, rollers or blocks, designed to be pulled, pushed or carried by a motor vehicle on a highway, and designed for living as a one-family dwelling, complete and ready for occupancy as such except for minor and incidental packing and assembly operations, location on permanent foundations, connections to utilities and the like.
   (39)   “Dwelling, row” means a dwelling having a party wall on each side in common with an adjoining dwelling unless it is situated as the outermost dwelling; in the latter case, it will have a party wall on one side only. A row dwelling shall be considered to be a multiple-family dwelling.
   (40)   “Dwelling unit” means a one-family dwelling or a portion of a two-family, three to four-family, multiple-family or row dwelling used by one family for cooking, living and sleeping purposes.
   (41)   “Essential service” means the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, change, alteration, maintenance, removal, use or enlargement by public utilities or municipal or other governmental agencies of underground or overhead gas, electrical, steam or water generation, transmission or distribution systems, including buildings, structures, towers, poles, wires, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, traffic signals, hydrants and other similar equipment or accessories and the use of land in connection therewith, for the furnishing of adequate service by such public utilities or municipal or other governmental agencies or for the public health, safety and general welfare.
   (42)   “Establishment” means a building or structure used for commercial or industrial purposes including stores, shops, plants, factories, warehouses, wholesale houses and the like.
   (43)   “Family” means one or more persons occupying a dwelling or housekeeping unit provided that, unless all members are related by blood, adoption or marriage, no such family shall contain more than four persons. (Ord. 2001-12. Passed 3-7-01.)
   (44)   “Fence” means a constructed barrier, usually made of posts, wire, masonry and/or wood, used to prevent entrance, provide privacy or to confine persons or animals to an area.
      (Ord. 1995-43. Passed 8-2-95.)
   (45)   “Finished grade” means the elevation of the surface of the ground adjoining the building after construction or required parking areas or driveways and after the planting of lawn and shrubbery or other required improvements.
   (46)   “Floor area” means the total horizontal area of all floors finished as usable area, including roofed porches and roofed terraces. Measurements of floor area shall be taken to the outside of the exterior walls. Floor area shall not include cellar or basement space; elevator and stair bulkheads; attic space; terraces, breezeways and open porches; uncovered steps; garages.
   (47)   “Frontage” means the property on one side of a street between two intersecting streets crossing or terminating, measured at the building line, or if the street is dead ended, then all of the property abutting on one end of the street.
   (48)   “Garage, private” means a detached accessory building or a portion of the principal building used only for the storage of vehicles and incidental personal property.
   (49)   “Garden apartments” means a multi-story, walk-up apartment building, usually grouped around a common open space, with off-street parking provided on the periphery of the site.
   (50)   “Gross density” means the population density of a particular area measured by the number of residents divided by the total number of acres, including street rights of way as well as residential land.
   (51)   “Health Department” means the Mahoning County Health Department.
   (52)   “Hedge” means a dense growth of shrubbery.
      (Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
   (53)   “Home occupation” means an activity or activities conducted within a dwelling unit or on a premises and which occupy the time, attention and labor of a person or persons for the purpose of earning a livelihood or profit. In order to be considered a home occupation as defined herein, a majority of the activities conducted in furtherance of the occupation must be conducted within the dwelling unit or on the premises.
      (Ord. 1996-06. Passed 2-7-96.)
   (54)   “Hospital, animal” means any building or other enclosed structure containing spaces for any animals not belonging to the operator of such facility which allows for overnight or continuous care, diagnosis and treatment of animal illnesses or injuries.
   (55)   “Hospital, human” means any building or other structure containing beds for at least four patients allowing for overnight or continuous care, diagnosis and treatment of human ailments.
   (56)   “Industrial building” means any building or structure used for the purpose of manufacturing, processing, testing and similar industrial use, which may generate some objectionable characteristics, such as noise, smoke, dust or pollution, requiring large sites, open storage and service areas and ready access to regional transportation.
   (57)   “Institution” means a building occupied by a non-profit corporation or establishment for public use.
   (58)   “Kennel, animal shelter” means a building or structure which may also include outdoor pens or runs for dogs or other animals which are housed or boarded for a fee, or an establishment for the breeding of such animals.
   (59)   “Loading space” means a space for the standing, loading or unloading of motor vehicles.
   (60)   “Lot” means a parcel of land defined by metes and bounds or boundary lines in a recorded deed or on a recorded plat, fronting on a legally dedicated public thoroughfare. In determining lot area, no part thereof within the limits of the proposed thoroughfare rights of way shall be included.
   (61)   “Lot area” means the computed area contained within the lot lines, excluding right of way.
   (62)   “Lot, corner” means a lot at the juncture of and fronting on two or more intersecting streets.
   (63)   “Lot, depth” means the mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.
   (64)   “Lot, interior” means a lot other than a corner lot, with only one frontage on a street.
(65)    "Lot lines" means the property lines bounding the lot.
(66)    "Lot line, front" means the line separating the lot from a street right of way.
(67)    "Lot line, rear" means the lot line opposite and most distant from the front lot line.
(68)    "Lot line, side" means any lot line other than a front or rear lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from a street is called a side street lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from another lot or lots is called an interior side lot line.
(69)    "Lot of record" means any lot which individually or as a part of a subdivision has been recorded in the office of the County Recorder or County Auditor or on which the recording has been delayed by mutual consent of the sub-divider, developer and the Municipality.
(70)    "Lot width" means the width of the lot measured at the building setback line.
(71)    "Major Thoroughfare Plan" means the Major Thoroughfare Plan of, and as adopted by Council, establishing the location and official right-of-way widths of principal highways and streets in the Municipality, on file as part of the Comprehensive Plan.
(72)    "Manager" means the City Manager.
(73)    "Manufacturing" means production or industrial process, including food processing, which combines one or more raw materials or components into a product, or which changes the nature of the materials entering the process, and which by nature of the materials, equipment and process utilized are not objectionable by reason of odor, noise, vibration, cinders, gas fumes, dust, smoke, refuse matter or water-carried wastes. Any manufacturing or industrial process permitted in an "M" District shall comply with the performance standards for an Industrial Park and Manufacturing Development specified in Chapter 1163.
(74)    "Mobile home" means any vehicle or mobile structure on wheels, skids, rollers or blocks, designed to be pulled, pushed or carried by a motor vehicle on a highway, and designed for living as a one-family dwelling, complete and ready for occupancy as such except for minor and incidental packing and assembly operations, location on permanent foundations, connections to utilities and the like.
(75)    "Modular housing" means an assembly of materials or products comprising all or part of a total residential structure which, when constructed, is self-sufficient, or substantially self-sufficient, containing plumbing, wiring and heating at the point of manufacture, and which, when installed, constitutes a dwelling unit, except for necessary on-site preparations for its placement.
(76)    "Motel" means a building or a group of two or more detached or semi-detached buildings containing guest rooms which are designed and intended or used primarily for the accommodation of travelers.
(77)    "Municipal Council" means the Council of the Municipality of Canfield.
(78)    "Municipality" means the City of Canfield.
(79)    "Non-commercial recreational facility" means any private and public or semi-public recreational facilities which are not operated for profit. (A.O.)
(80)    "Non-conformities" and "non-conforming use" means a legally existing use, building or structure which fails to comply with the standards set forth in this Zoning Ordinance applicable to the district in which it is located.
(Ord. 1994-12. Passed 3-1-94.)
(81)    "Nursing home" means an establishment where persons are housed or lodged and furnished with meals and nursing or convalescent care for hire.
(82)   "Private parking area" means an open area for the same use as a private garage.
(83)    "Public parking area" means an open area other than a street or public way, used for the parking of automobiles and available to the public whether for a fee, free or as an accommodation for clients or customers.
(84)    "Parking space" means an off-street space available for the parking of one motor vehicle and having an area of not less than 200 square feet, exclusive of passageways and driveways appurtenant thereto, giving access thereto and having direct access to a street or alley.
(85)    "Person" means a corporation, firm, partnership, association, organization or any other group acting as a unit, as well as a natural person.
(86)    "Personal services" means any enterprise conducted for gain which primarily offers services to the general public such as shoe repair, barber shops, beauty parlors and similar activities.
(87)    "Planned Unit Development" means an area of land in which a variety of housing types are accommodated in a pre-planned environment under more flexible standards, such as no separate lot lines and setbacks, as specified in Section 1141.09. The procedure for approval of such development contains a two-step procedure in addition to requirements of the standard subdivision, review and approval of the preliminary plan and the detailed final plans. (A.O.)
(88)    "Planned Unit Development, final" means a detailed development plan of the property to be developed.
The detailed final PUD plan shall be prepared for the owner/developer and shall bear the original signature and/or original seal of the professionally competent engineer, architect or landscape architect; shall be in accordance with the approved preliminary PUD plan; and shall include the following:
(a)    Survey of the tract to be developed showing existing physical features, general topography, drainage ways and tree cover and streets, easements and utility lines.
(b)    Detailed site plans showing lot lines, building outlines, off-street parking spaces, pedestrian walkway and vehicular circulation.
(c)   Preliminary building plans, including floor plans and exterior elevations.
(d)    Landscaping plans including quantity, size and varieties of landscaping.
(e)    Specific detailed engineering plans including site grading, street improvements, drainage, utility improvements and extensions as necessary.
(f)    All necessary legal documentation relating to the organization of the legal entity created for the purpose of maintaining the required common open space included within the planned unit development.
(g)    Copies of any restrictive covenants that are to be recorded.
(89)    "Planned Unit Development, preliminary" means a general concept plan of the property to be developed including the following items:
(a)    Boundaries of the tract to be developed on a planned unit basis.
(b)   Base mapping of the tract showing the physical features, such as topography, drainage ways, water bodies, vegetation and existing land uses.
(c)   Highways and streets in the vicinity of the tract, and the ingress and egress to the tract.
(d)    Location of different general land use areas proposed to be developed.
(e)    Proposed density levels of each residential area (units per acre); total overall density.
(f)    Proposed treatment of existing topography, drainage ways, tree cover and proposed storm water management plan.
(g)    Proposed general location of major vehicular circulation, showing how this circulation pattern relates to the major thoroughfare plan.
(h)    Proposed arrangement of required open space, location of schools, parks and other community facility sites.
(i)    Time schedule of projected development.
(Ord. 1989-11. Passed 4-18-89.)
(90)    "Planning Commission" means the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Municipality.
(91)    "Plant cultivation" means the cultivation of crops, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, including fruit trees, nursery stock, truck garden products, and similar plant materials.
(92)    "Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan" see Planned Unit Development, Preliminary.
(93)    "Private recreation club" means any privately owned and operated recreation facility or area such as a golf course, tennis courts, ball fields and not including fraternal lodges or swimming pools.
(94)    "Private street" means a street that is not dedicated to the Municipality.
(95)    "Professional office" means any building or structure, the use of which is limited to providing professional services such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, architects, engineers, photographers, city planners and similar professions.
(96)    "Public facilities" means any building or structure used by government for administrative or service purposes, but not including buildings devoted to the storage and maintenance of equipment and materials.
(97)    "Public service facilities" means any buildings or structures devoted to the storage and maintenance of equipment and materials, including street equipment and materials, relating to essential services and operating under authority granted by a government body.
(98)    "Public uses" means uses including public parking, schools and administrative, cultural and service buildings, but not including public land or buildings devoted solely to the storage and maintenance of equipment and materials.
   (Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
(99)    "Recreational facilities" means uses (whether public or private) such as golf courses, tennis, other playing courts, playing fields, swimming facilities, playgrounds or other similar facilities where families or individuals may gather to engage in recreational or competitive activities.
   (Ord. 2019-47. Passed 9-18-19.)
   (100)    "Recreational vehicle" means and includes:
(a)    A "travel trailer" which is a vehicular, portable structure built on chassis, designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses, permanently identified "travel trailer" by the manufacturer;
(b)    A "pick-up camper" which is a structure designed primarily to be mounted on a pick-up truck chassis and with sufficient equipment to render it suitable for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation use;
(c)    A "motorized home" which is a portable dwelling designed and constructed as an integral part of a self-propelled vehicle;
(d)    A "fold-tent trailer" which is a canvas folding structure, mounted on wheels and designed for travel and vacation use;
(e)    "Boats" and "boat trailers" include boats, floats and rafts, plus the normal equipment to transport the same on the highway.
   (Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
   (101)   “Residential structure” means a building originally constructed and designed for private dwelling. (Ord. 2007-26. Passed 6-20-07.)
   (102)   "Resource and mineral extraction" means any mining, quarrying, excavating process, storing, separating, cleaning or marketing of any mineral natural resource.
   (103)   "Restaurant, sit-down" means an establishment whose primary function is the offering of food and beverages which are sold and normally consumed within the restaurant building.
   (104)   "Restaurant, carry-out" means an establishment whose primary function is the offering of food and beverages which are sold only inside the building, and are usually packaged to be carried and consumed off the premises, but may be consumed within the restaurant building or on the premises.
   (105)   "Restaurant, drive-in" means an establishment offering food and beverages which are sold within the building, or to persons while in motor vehicles in an area designated for drive-in service, and may be consumed on or off the premises.
   (106)   "Retail establishment" means any business normally found in a business district, where goods or services are offered for sale in small quantities directly to the consumer.
   (107)   "Setback line" means the closest point at which a building may be constructed in relation to the lot line.
   (108)   "Sewers, central" means the sanitary sewerage system of the municipality.
   (109)   "Similar use” means a use not specifically listed in any of the permitted building or use classifications of any district, but which may be found analogous and added to a classification.
   (110)   "Stable" means any building located on a land use on which a residence is located, designed, arranged, used or intended to be used for housing horses for private use, benefit or pleasure of the occupants of the residence.
   (111)   "Story" means that portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above, or if there is no floor above, the portion between the floor and the ceiling above; also any portion of a building used for human occupancy between the topmost floor and the roof. A basement shall not be counted as a story unless more than one-half of the basement height is above grade level at the front of the building.
   (112)   "Structure" means an assembly of materials which form a construction for occupancy or use, including, but not limited to, buildings, structures, tents, platforms, stages, observation towers, radio, television and telephone towers, water storage tanks, trestles, piers, open sheds, shelters, fences, display signs and the like, which shall be construed to mean the whole or parts thereof.
   (113)   "Structural alterations" means any change in the supporting members of a building, such as walls, floors, columns, beams or girders.
   (114)   "Temporary structure" means structures of a temporary nature erected for a period not to exceed twelve months for such uses as construction offices or storage buildings at a construction site.
   (115)   "Use" means the employment or occupation of a building, structure or land for a person's service, benefit or enjoyment.
   (116)   "Use-by-right" means a principal permitted use in a particular zoning district which is permitted in that district as a legal right under the terms of this Ordinance.
   (117)   "Utility building" means a detached accessory building used for the purpose of storing equipment and materials and/or housing parts of electrical, plumbing and heating systems for the main building.
   (118)   "Wall" means a boundary enclosure or separating barrier which is usually opaque.
   (119)   "Warehouse" means any building or structure which use is limited to the storage of equipment or material.
   (120)   "Wholesale establishment" means an establishment that engages in the sale of goods, merchandise and commodities for resale by the purchaser.
   (121)   "Yard" means a space on the same lot with a main building, open, unoccupied and unobstructed by buildings or structures from the ground to the sky, except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance.
   (122)   “Yard, front" means a yard extending across the full width of the lot, the depth of which shall be the least perpendicular distance between the front lot line and the front of the main building.
   (123)   "Yard, rear" means a yard extending the full width of the lot between the rearmost main building and the rear lot line, the depth of which shall be the least distance between the rear lot line and the rear of such main building. Where a lot abuts upon an alley, one-half the alley width may be considered as part of the required rear yard.
   (124)   "Yard, side" means a yard between the main building and the side lot line, extending from the front yard or front lot line where no front yard is required, to the rear yard. The width of the required side yard shall be measured horizontally and perpendicularly from the nearest point of the side lot line toward the nearest part of the main building.
   (125)   "Zoning certificate" means the document issued by the Zoning Inspector authorizing buildings, structures or uses consistent with the terms of this Ordinance and for the purpose of carrying out and enforcing its provisions.
   (126)   "Zoning Code" means Part Eleven of the Codified Ordinances of Canfield.
   (127)   "Zoning District" means a portion of the incorporated area of the City for which certain uniform regulations governing the use, height, area and intensity of use by buildings and land and open spaces about buildings are herein established.
   (128)   "Zoning Inspector" means that person designated by the Manager in accordance with the Charter and Administrative Code to administer and enforce this Ordinance.
   (129)   "Zoning lot" means a single tract of land which, at the time of the filing for a zoning certificate, is designated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used, developed or built upon as a unit under single ownership or control. Therefor, a zoning lot may or may not coincide with a lot of record. The zoning lot shall have adequate frontage on an improved dedicated roadway of adequate width.
   (130)   "Zoning Ordinance" or "Ordinance" as used in Titles Three to Seven of this Part Eleven - Planning and Zoning Code means Ordinance 1973-44, passed December 18, 1973, as amended. (Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
   (a)   Whenever lands are incorporated into the Municipality through annexation, the zoning regulations which were in effect in the areas that are annexed areas shall remain in full force and shall be enforced by the appropriate county or township officials having jurisdiction, until the new zoning for such territory has been determined and adopted by the Municipality. The Planning Commission shall make such recommendation concerning the zoning of annexed lands to Council within sixty days after the annexation.
   (b)   In interpreting the text, the particular shall control the general.
   (c)   Words used in the present tense shall include the future; and words used in the singular number shall include the plural, and the plural the singular, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary:
   (d)   The word "shall" shall be considered as mandatory; the word "may" as permissive; and the word "should" as preferred or desirable.
   (e)   The phrase "used for" includes arranged for, designed for, intended for, maintained for or occupied for.
   (f)   Where zoning district boundaries are delineated to follow, or approximately follow, property lines, such property lines shall be considered as the district boundaries.
   (g)   Where the zoning district boundaries are shown to follow, or approximately follow, the centerline or right-of-way lines of highways, streets or alleys, these centerlines or right-of-way lines shall be considered as the district boundaries.
   (h)   Whenever any highway, street, alley, railroad or other public right of way is officially abandoned by the Municipality, the adjoining zoning district boundary shall be automatically extended to the centerline of the abandoned right of way, and such area shall become subject to the regulations of the zoning district in which it is located. In the event that only a portion of a right of way is abandoned, the adjoining zoning district boundary, or the district boundary nearest the abandoned area shall be extended.
   (i)   Where zoning district boundaries are delineated to be parallel, or approximately parallel, to centerlines or right-of-way lines, the district boundary shall be considered as being parallel thereto, at the distance indicated on the Zoning Map. When no dimension is shown on the Map, the distance shall be determined in accordance with the scale shown on the Zoning Map. (Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)