Intent of Zoning Districts
1139.01   Districts generally.
District regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1141
   The following descriptions refer only to the general intent of the zoning districts contained in this Zoning Ordinance. The specific descriptions and requirements for each zoning district are contained in Chapter 1141 and Chapters 1149 through Chapters 1169.
   (a)    Regular Zoning Districts:
      (1)    A-1 Agricultural District. The A-1 Agricultural District protects the decreasing supply of agricultural land and natural open space by controlling of urban development into agricultural areas while providing for low density residential development compatible with certain uses.
      (2)   R-1 Single-Family Residential District. The R-1 Residential District reserves certain land areas for relatively large lot, single-family dwellings reflecting both existing residential development as well as providing additional areas for future low-density single-family residences.
      (3)    R-2 Single-Family Residential District. The R-2 Residential District designates areas for low density, single-family residential development on average size lots reflecting the pattern of certain existing developed areas within the community, as well as providing areas for future low density development of single-family residences.
      (4)    R-3 Single-Family Residential District. The R-3 Residential District provides areas for low-medium density, single-family residential development on less than average size lots reflecting some existing developed areas within the community, as well as designating areas for future medium-low density development of single-family residences.
      (5)    R-4 Two-Family Residential District. The R-4 Residential District designates areas for medium density residential development of both detached single-family dwellings and two-family semi-detached dwellings allowing residential development at a slightly higher than average density, thereby permitting a degree of development flexibility while maintaining the overall single-family character of the Municipality.
      (6)    R-5 Three to Four-Family Residential District. The purpose of the R-5 Residential District is to provide areas within the community for the development of three to four-family multiple-family housing at medium densities, 8, 000 square feet per dwelling unit, in locations which are well suited to this level of development on parcels which do not lend themselves to more conventional multiple-family development due to their physical features and/or location within the community. This type of development shall be planned in accordance with specified design procedures requiring development plan approval, thereby encouraging quality development that will serve to maintain the residential integrity of the community.
      (7)    R-6 Three to Four-Family Residential District. The R-6 Residential District designates areas for three to four-family multiple family housing at medium-high density, 6,000 square feet per dwelling unit, in locations which are well suited to this level of development on parcels which do not lend themselves to more conventional multiple-family development. This type of development shall be planned in accordance with specific design procedures requiring development plan approval, thereby encouraging quality development that will serve to maintain the residential integrity of the community.
      (8)    R-7 Multiple-Family Residential District. The purpose of the R-7 Residential District is to reflect the existing pattern of multiple-family development within the Municipality, and to designate additional areas for medium-high density, 4,000 square feet per dwelling unit, development of multiple-family housing in strategic locations which are well suited to this development in accordance with specified design procedures requiring development plan approval, thereby encouraging quality development that will serve to maintain the residential integrity of the community.
         (Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
      (9)    R-PUD Planned Unit Development District. The Planned Unit Development District establishes a permissive zoning procedure for the development of new tracts of residential development on a planned unit basis in accordance with an overall development plan. The intent is to be flexible in the regulation of the basic land planning and to encourage imaginative site planning that provides both a variety of dwelling types and lot sizes and usable common open space as an integral part of the development.
         (Ord. 1989-12. Passed 4-18-89.)
      (10)    R-MHP Mobile Home Park District. The R-MHP District establishes a zoning district, application procedure and specific design standards for the development of mobile home parks within the community.
      (11)    Residential, Office and Limited Commercial District. The Residential, Office and Limited Commercial District is designed to provide areas which will permit and encourage the orderly transition between residential and commercial uses in the community. The intent is to permit residential dwellings and certain limited office uses along primary and/or secondary thoroughfare frontage. These higher intensity uses reflect the higher level development pressures in certain areas. In the older, built-up areas which may be subject to transition, some of the lower density residential uses can be converted or redeveloped to certain types of residential uses or offices which remain residential in character. On vacant undeveloped land there is an opportunity to structure the new development along those thoroughfares where higher intensity usage is justified.
      (12)    O-Office District. The purpose of the O-District is to designate areas for business and professional offices and related activities thereby providing for the transition between intensively developed commercial and/or industrial uses and the residential areas of the community.
      (13)    B-1 Village Green Commercial District. The Village Green Commercial District reflects the existing, built-up commercial area located around the Village Green that historically functioned as the geographic commercial, administrative and office center of the community. Community, commercial, business, financial and professional offices, and public, quasi-public uses are located within this district. The intent is to allow for the gradual expansion of the various uses within the Village Green area providing flexibility to permit the continuation of this area as the center of the City.
      (14)    B-2 General Commercial District. The General Commercial District is to accommodate both extensive commercial uses that require large lots, usually for display, sales/service and/or outdoor storage purposes that require highway or thoroughfare frontage for visibility and ready accessibility, such as automobile sales/service facilities, agricultural implement sales, equipment sales and rentals, building materials sales, commercial restaurants, and similar general commercial uses which serve people who come from a sizeable trade area which may extend beyond the community in which they are located.
      (15)    B-3 Highway Commercial District. The intent of the B-3 Highway Commercial District is to accommodate typically highway oriented commercial uses that derive a significant part of their trade because of their location along major highways, such as community shopping centers, branch or drive-in banks, offices, commercial recreation, e.g. bowling alleys, restaurants, automobile service stations, motels and similar highway commercial uses.
      (16)    M-1 Manufacturing District. The Manufacturing District is intended to reflect the existing pattern of manufacturing establishments located within the community and to delineate new land to permit future expansion and provide for new manufacturing, warehousing and related development. The intent is to designate those lands which are suitable for this type of development in terms of their location in relation to surrounding non- manufacturing land uses, accessibility and the availability of the utilities and services required in their operation, thereby resulting in the development of manufacturing and related uses which are relatively free from objectionable influences caused by their location, operation and appearance.
   (b)   Special Zoning Districts. The S Special District is to designate certain land areas that are public in nature such as schools or churches; to preserve historic areas of the community; and to conserve parkland and open space.
      (Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73; Ord. 2023-44. Passed 11-15-23.)
   (c)   In all business districts, only one commercial use shall be permitted on each lot except as specifically provided in this Ordinance. Additionally, no Business, whether temporary or permanent, may be conducted on vacant lots in the City.
      (Ord. 2018-36. Passed 11-21-18.)