927.01 Rate schedule. (Beginning March 1, 2023)
927.02 Surcharge for late payment.
927.03 Special reading and fees.
927.04 Remedy for nonpayment.
Water works mortgage revenue bonds - see Ohio R.C. 715.09 et seq.
Management and control of water works (City) - see Ohio R.C. 743.02 et seq.
Weekly deposit of water works money collected - see Ohio R.C. 743.06
Water - see S. & P.S. Ch. 925
(a) Metered Rates.
First | 100,000 gal. in any qtr. | $12.79/1,000 gal. |
Over | 100,000 gal. in any qtr. | $10.33/1,000 gal. |
(b) Minimum Rates.
(1) | 5/8" x 3/4" | meter 5,000 gal./qtr. or less | $63.95 |
(2) | 1" | meter 16,000 gal./qtr. or less | $204.64 |
(3) | 1-1/2" | meter 21,000 gal./qtr. or less | $268.59 |
(4) | 2" | meter 37,000 gal./qtr. or less | $473.23 |
(5) | 3" | meter 65,000 gal./qtr. or less | $831.35 |
(6) | 4" | meter 114,000 gal./qtr. or less | $1,423.62 |
(7) | 6" | meter 257,000 gal./qtr. or less | $2,900.81 |
(c) Meter Rates for Extra-Territorial Purchasers.
First | 100,000 gal. in any qtr. | $15.34/1,000 gal. |
Over | 100,000 gal. in any qtr. | $12.36/1,000 gal. |
(d) Minimum Rates for Extra-Territorial Purchasers.
(1) | 5/8" x 3/4" | meter 5,000 gal./qtr. or less | $76.70 |
(2) | 1" | meter 16,000 gal./qtr. or less | $241.44 |
(3) | 1-1/2" | meter 21,000 gal./qtr. or less | $322.14 |
(4) | 2" | meter 37,000 gal./qtr. or less | $567.58 |
(5) | 3" | meter 65,000 gal./qtr. or less | $997.10 |
(6) | 4" | meter 114,000 gal./qtr. or less | $1,707.04 |
(7) | 6" | meter 257,000 gal./qtr. or less | $3,474.52 |
(e) Fixed Monthly Capital Charge. A fixed monthly charge of $300 per month ($9.00 per Quarter) shall be assessed upon all water accounts of the system, or single family equivalents on all master metered accounts. In the case of shared service from a single meter, each unit shall be considered a single family equivalent.
(f) Extra-Territorial Purchasers (Users). As used herein and in Section 925.02 of the Codified Ordinances, the terms “Extra-Territorial Users” and “Extra-Territorial Purchasers” shall mean any purchaser of water from the City of Canfield which requires delivery of water outside the corporate limits of the City of Canfield.
(g) Multiple Family Dwellings. For Multiple Family Dwellings with central heating and plumbing systems or with either, the charge shall be a minimum charge of $63.95 for each family unit each quarter.
(h) New Construction. The semi-annual charge for water service for new construction prior to the installation of a meter shall be as follows:
Frame Dwelling Construction | $200.00 |
Masonry Dwelling | $250.00 |
All Others | $300.00 |
All metered water purchased for construction vehicles (tankers, pavers, etc.) shall be charged at the extra-territorial rate plus $200.
(i) Taps. Water taps shall be charged cost plus twenty-five dollars ($25.00). In the event the tap is across the street, the tap shall be charged at a rate of cost plus fifty dollars ($50.00).
(Ord. 2023-03. Passed 1-18-23.)
(a) Definition. A “special reading” is a meter reading required or requested at a time other than the normally scheduled reading time.
(b) Fee for Special Reading. The charge to read any meter other than normal quarterly reading time is ten dollars ($10.00).
(c) Turn-off Fee. If for any reason, service is terminated, there will be a twenty dollar ($20.00) turn-off fee assessed, and a twenty dollar ($20.00) turn-on fee assessed, prior to resumption of service.
(Ord. 2004-09. Passed 2-4-04.)
The Director of Public Service may, for the purpose of paying expenses of conducting and managing the water works of a municipal corporation, assess and collect a water rent of sufficient amount and in such manner as he deems equitable from all tenements and premises supplied with water. When more than one tenant or water taker is supplied with one hydrant or off the same pipe, and when the assessments therefor are not paid when due, the Director shall look directly to the owner of the property for so much of the water rent as remains unpaid, which shall be collected in the same manner as other City taxes.
(ORC 743.04; Ord. 2004-09. Passed 2-4-04.)