1145.01 Off-street parking and loading.
1145.02 Yard requirements applicable in all districts.
1145.03 Area requirements applicable in all districts.
1145.04 Height regulations applicable in all districts.
1145.05 Service stations and other drive-in uses.
1145.06 Single Family Residential District (R-1).
1145.07 General Residential District (R-2).
1145.08 Multi-Family Residential District (R-3).
1145.09 Central Commercial District (C-1).
1145.10 Neighborhood and Local Business District (C-2).
1145.11 Highway Commercial District (C-3).
1145.12 Light Industrial District (M-1).
1145.13 Heavy Industrial District (H-1).
1145.14 Industrial Park District (IP).
1145.15 Prohibited uses.
1145.16 Fences.
Establishment of districts - see P. & Z. 1141.04
(a) Required for All New Buildings and Uses. Except in the C-1 District, for every building hereafter erected or altered, or use hereafter established, there shall be provided off-street parking and loading areas as set forth in this section. Such areas, together with access and turning areas, shall be paved, "graveled, or slagged. Sufficient off-street parking and loading areas shall be provided to accommodate the number of vehicles customarily used for deliveries to or removal from such structure. It is intended hereby to require provision for normal conditions and not for peak loads. All parking space provided pursuant to this section shall be on the same lot with the building, except that the Board of Zoning Appeals may permit the parking spaces to be on any lot wholly within 300 feet of the building if it determines it is impractical to provide space on the same lot with the building.
(b) Required Off-Street Parking Units.
(1) Definition of a parking unit. Each off-street parking unit shall be a space not less than eight feet wide and twenty feet long which is not included in any access or turning area, except that where more than three off-street spaces are provided they shall be not less than nine feet in width.
(2) Units required:
A. For each family dwelling unit: one;
B. For each two roomers or boarders or transient guests: one;
C. For each professional person maintaining office hours: three;
D. For each home occupation: one;
E. For each place of worship or parish home, auditorium, or hall, theater or other place of public assembly: one for each three units of seating capacity;
F. For each rectory, parsonage, or church office: two plus one for each employee;
G. For rental office space: one plus one for each 200 square feet of rented floor area;
H. For retail or personal service uses: one for each 100 square feet of usable floor area;
I. For restaurants or other places serving beverages or refreshments: one unit for each three seats;
J. For mortuaries or funeral homes: ten units;
K. For motor vehicle sales rooms, garages, repair shops: one unit for each 500 square feet of floor space;
L. For industrial or warehouse uses: one space for each two employees for any two shifts;
M. For hospitals or nursing homes: one for each two beds;
N. For bowling alleys: five per alley.
(c) Required Off-Street Loading Space.
(1) Definition of loading unit. Each off-street loading unit shall be a space of ten feet wide, fourteen feet high and forty-five feet long, exclusive of access and turning area, which may be located within a structure, within a side or rear yard, or within a required off-street parking area provided it does not bar access to such parking area.
(2) Units required.
A. For retail or personal service use: One unit for each 3,000 square feet of floor area devoted to merchandising.
B. For wholesale merchandising, storage or processing: One unit for each 300 square feet of floor area.
(d) Off-Street Parking and Loading for Uses not Specifically Mentioned. For any use not specifically mentioned in the above sections, the requirements for off-street parking and off- street loading facilities for use which is mentioned and to which said use is similar, shall apply. In such case, either the Building Inspector or the applicant for certificate of occupancy or building permit may apply to the Board of Appeals for an interpretation of the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance for such off-street parking and off-street loading requirements and the Board of Appeals shall render a decision in writing in the manner provided for in this Zoning Ordinance for such action.
(Ord. 68-5938. Passed 1-3-68.)
(a) Exceptions to Yard Requirements. The following may project into required yards: Steps or stoops not exceeding twenty-four square feet in area; eaves, cornices, and belt courses not exceeding two feet and open fire escapes - not more than four feet to six feet.
(b) Depth. Where the street right-of-way is less than fifty feet, the depth of the front yard shall be measured from a point twenty-five feet from the center line of the street.
(c) Lot Width Measurements. Lot widths shall be measured at the front building line.
(Ord. 68-5938. Passed 1-3-68.)