   Council may prescribe further provisions for the prevention of fires and for the better protection of life in case of fire to be made by the keepers of motels or motor inns within the city.
(`63 Code, § 1509.04) (Ord. 78-72, passed 12-4-72)
Statutory reference:
   Spreading fires through negligence prohibited, see R.C. § 3737.081
   The resident manager of a motel or motor inn or such other person as may be in charge of the premises in the absence of the manager shall, as soon as he becomes aware that there is a fire therein, notify the Fire Department of the city and, if such fire threatens to spread to rooms occupied by guests, sound the alarm system provided for in § 93.32.
(`63 Code, § 1509.05) (Ord. 79-72, passed 12-4-72) Penalty, see § 93.99
   (A)   Smoke Detectors. Smoke detectors shall be installed in an approved manner in all occupancies where required by the Life Safety Code, NFPA No. 101, or as specified herein. SMOKE DETECTOR means, for the purposes of this section, a device which detects visible or invisible particles of combustion.
   (B)   Dwelling Unit. A dwelling unit includes single family dwelling units, condominium units, twinplex units, apartment units or other separate units occupied for residential purposes.
   (C)   Where Required. All dwelling units within the limits of the city shall be equipped with a minimum of one functional, properly located, labeled and listed, smoke detector as described in the National Fire Protection Association's Standard 74. Within every apartment, condominium unit or single family dwelling unit or twinplex, there shall be at least one smoke detector properly installed and in good working condition in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and at least one on each additional story of the family living unit including basements and excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics.
   (D)   Installation. All equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation requirements and recommendations. If the method of installation is not specified by the manufacturer, the smoke detector shall be installed on the ceiling, not less than six inches from any wall, or on a wall, not less than six inches nor more than 12 inches from the ceiling. No detector shall be recessed into the ceiling.
   (E)   Power Supply. The smoke detector may be powered by an AC power source or a battery.
      (1)   If the detector is solely AC powered and the manufacturer does not supply specifications as to its installation, it shall be directly attached to a junction box not controlled by any switch other than the main power supply.
      (2)   Installation of AC powered smoke detectors shall conform to all electrical standards adopted by the Division of Fire for the city.
      (3)   A smoke detector required under this section shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements and recommendations. If the manufacturer's recommendations and requirements conflict with any county electrical standard, the county electrical standard shall take precedence.
   (F)   Installation Time Limit. Every dwelling shall have installed some type of smoke detector within twelve months from the date of passage of this section. Where smoke alarms exist in residential units, the warranty for the alarm and/or battery shall be with the manufacturer.
   (E)   Maintenance and Tests. No person shall tamper with or remove any smoke detector, except when it is necessary for maintenance inspection purposes. Any smoke detector removed for repair, replacement or local remodeling shall be reinstalled or replaced so that it is operable and in place during normal sleeping hours.
      (1)   Rental dwelling units. Each smoke detector shall be maintained as necessary to insure its operable condition and treated by the occupant in accordance with the manufacturer's or the monitoring company's recommendations. Occupants shall be responsible for the maintenance on smoke detectors unless otherwise agreed to in writing between owners and occupants.
      (2)   Owner occupied dwelling units. Each smoke detector shall be maintained as necessary to insure its operable condition and tested by the occupant in accordance with the manufacturer's or the monitoring company's recommendations.
   (H)   Compliance When Building Permit Involved. Whenever a building permit is applied for in the city, the person obtaining such permit shall verify on the building permit that smoke detectors have been installed or will be installed in the premises which are subject to the building permit.
(Ord. 59-92, passed 8-10-92)
§ 93.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Whoever violates any provision of the fire prevention code herein adopted or fails to comply with any lawful order issued pursuant thereto shall be fined not more than $100. Any such violation shall constitute a separate offense on each successive day continued.
(`63 Code, § 1501.99)
   (B)   (1)   Whoever neglects or refuses to comply with any provision of §§ 93.31 through 93.33 for which no other penalty is provided, shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000.
(Ord. 78-72, passed 12-4-72)
      (2)   Whoever violates any provision of § 93.34 shall be imprisoned not more than six months or fined not more than $1,000 or both.
(Ord. 79-72, passed 12-4-72)
   (C)   Whoever violates any provision of § 93.35 is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Each day's continued violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 59-92, passed 8-10-92)