12-11-09: INSPECTIONS:
All signs for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the building inspector. A footing inspection shall be required for all sign structures having footings, anchorage fasteners, and reinforcement, such as pole or ground signs. All signs containing electrical wiring shall be subject to the provisions of the national electrical code concurrent with the state of Idaho. Electrical signs and components shall bear the label of an approved testing agency. The building official may order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of the governing code. (Ord. 2799, 7-20-2009)
All pole, ground, wall, projecting, and combination signs and sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist wind and seismic forces, live and dead load forces, and working stresses, all in accordance with the current adopted edition of the uniform sign code and international building code. The following signs shall require installation and design calculations designed by a licensed architect or licensed engineer, currently licensed in the state of Idaho. Documents shall bear the original insignia of said architect or engineer.
   (1)   Pole or ground signs twelve feet (12') and greater above adjoining grade when supporting a display surface of greater than sixty-four (64) square feet.
   (2)   All pole or ground signs fifteen feet (15') and greater above adjoining grade.
   (3)   Any projecting sign with a projection of greater than five feet (5'), and/or when exceeding the requirements set forth in tables 4-B and 4-C of the uniform sign code.
   (4)   Wall signs where one individual section of the wall sign exceeds sixty-four (64) square feet in area. (Ord. 2799, 7-20-2009)
12-11-13: GLASS PANELS:
Glass panels when used as part of the display surface shall meet the requirements of table 4-A of the uniform sign code. (Ord. 2799, 7-20-2009)
12-11-15: PERMIT FEES:
   (1)   Payment Of Fees: Applicants for permits issued pursuant to this article shall pay to the building official fees established by the building official by rule and regulations subject to the approval of the city council.
   (2)   Refunds: Before commencement of any activity regulated under the issuance of a valid permit, the building official may authorize the refunding of no more than eighty percent (80%) of permit fees paid, when requested in writing by letter or form, and all rights granted by the permits are terminated. Plan review fees and deposits, if any, shall not be refundable. (Ord. 2910, 5-21-2012)
All electric signs shall require an electrical permit issued by the building official. (Ord. 2799, 7-20-2009)
All signs shall meet the requirements set forth in section 403 of the uniform sign code and the international building code, or section 10-02-06 of this code, whichever is most restrictive. (Ord. 2799, 7-20-2009)
12-11-21: CONFLICT:
When any part of this article is in conflict with any other portion of this code, the most restrictive shall apply. (Ord. 2799, 7-20-2009)