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   [Reserved for future use]
   No frame building shall be moved from without to within the corporate limits of the city, which by reason of its age, state of repair, condition of wiring or which, for any other reason, is unfit for human habitation or which might endanger the public peace, safety, health or welfare.
   1.   No person shall do any plumbing, gas fitting, extensions, connection of fixtures or repairs to any gas fitting in the city, except a state-licensed and locally-registered plumber. Any person desiring to engage in the business of plumbing or plumbing contracting shall first register with the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer. All registrant shall be state-licensed and furnish copy of liability insurance and workman’s compensation insurance coverage.
   2.   The initial registration fee shall be $300. Renewal registration fee shall be $50 per year.
   3.   All persons, firm, partnership, corporations or individuals, engaged or hereafter engaging, in the business of installing, electrical fixtures, wiring or apparatus in or on any building within the city, shall register with the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer before they may engage in said activities. All registrants shall be state-licensed and furnish copy of liability insurance and worker’s compensation insurance coverage.
   4.   The initial registration fee shall be $300. Renewal registration fee shall be $50 per year.
   5.   All persons in the business of mechanical contracting, such as, designing, assembling, erecting, constructing, installing, altering, servicing, repairing or maintaining refrigeration, air conditioning, heating and/or ventilation systems in the city must first register with the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer. All registrants must be state-licensed and furnish copy of liability insurance and workman’s compensation insurance coverage.
   6.   The initial registration fee shall be $300. Renewal registration fee shall be $50 per year.
   7.   It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, move, add to, or structurally alter any building or other structure upon any lot or parcel of land within the city; must first register as a building contractor, with the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer. All registrants must be state-licensed and furnish copy of liability insurance and worker’s compensation insurance coverage.
      a.   A building contractor’s registration certificate is not required by persons who have a valid certificate for other specialized trades required by this code and provided the work performed falls under the requirements of that certification.
      b.   Resident owners of property are not required to obtain a building contractor’s registration certificate when performing work on their own property provided the work is performed by the owner, except for required specialized trade contractors who hold a valid certificate from the city. This exemption does not relieve the owner from obtaining a building permit as required by this code.
   8.   The initial registration fee shall be $100. The renewal registration fee shall be $50 per year.
   9.   Every person owning, leasing, operating or in possession of any building or structure within the city shall permit the Municipal Building Inspector to enter such building or structure as often as it shall be deemed necessary by said Inspector for the purpose of discharging any duties prescribed by this section, and it shall be unlawful for any owner, occupant or lessee of any premises to prevent or to refuse to permit such entry. Said Inspector shall, upon request of the owner, occupant or lessee of any premises, exhibit the authority to make such entry.
   10.   The Municipal Building Inspector shall not approve any application for contractor’s registration until he or she is satisfied that said contractor has obtained public liability insurance that shall indemnify the city and public in the amounts of not less than $5,000 for bodily injury to or death of one person in any one accident; or in an amount not less than $10,000 for personal injury or death or more than one person in any one accident; or $1,000 for property damages; all arising out of work to be performed under said registration.
   11.   The Municipal Building Inspector may revoke or suspend the registration of any person, persons or corporation convicted of any violation of this chapter, or for any of the following reasons:
      a.   Willful fraud or misrepresentation practiced in procuring or renewing any registration or license;
      b.   Dishonesty;
      c.   Gross incompetency;
      d.   Conduct likely to, or intended to, deceive or defraud the public;
      e.   The loaning of any license, registration or permit to any person or persons for any reason whatsoever;
      f.   The obtaining of compensation by fraud or misrepresentation;
      g.   The willful advertising or publishing, or otherwise making known, of any grossly false, fraudulent or misleading statements of business skill, knowledge or methods of operation;
      h.   The construction, design, installation, alteration, repair or maintenance of any refrigeration or air conditioning equipment in such a manner as to be detrimental to the safety, health or welfare of the general public;
      i.   For any misconduct in the use of a registration or transaction thereunder; or
      j.   For the violation or disregard of any regulations of the city.
   12.   If, in the performance of any work under this chapter, the contractor finds that, on account of the mechanical construction of the building, location of fixtures, or some other reason, it would be impossible to abide by the letter of this chapter, the Municipal Building Inspector may be asked for a variance, by stating reasons for any changes and setting forth the conditions, with a statement of the desire to request exceptions to the provisions of this chapter for the particular job. If said Inspector finds that the conditions warrant and that it would be impractical and unreasonable to require strict conformance, a special ruling may be made, to safeguard life and property, on the proposed work. In all such cases, persons engaged in such work or installation, and holding registration under this chapter, shall be notified in writing of the decision.
   1.   A grease interceptor shall be installed in the waste line leading from sinks, drains or other fixtures in restaurants, hotel kitchens, cafeterias and food processing establishments, and in any bar, lounge, private club or fountain where food is prepared or served, or where dishes, glasses, pots, pans or other kitchenwares are washed, or any other establishment where grease or broken glass can be introduced into the drainage system in quantities that can effect line stoppage or hinder sewage disposal. Grease, oil and sand interceptors are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sand or other ingredients harmful to the building’s drainage system, the public sewer or the municipal sewage treatment plant.
   2.   Interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or residential dwelling units.
   3.   All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity as defined in the city’s current adopted Plumbing Code and shall be approved by the Municipal Building Inspector. All interceptors shall be located so as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Such interceptors shall be properly inspected following construction, by the Municipal Building Inspector, and shall be privately maintained, at the owner’s expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times.
   4.   An oil separator shall be installed in the drainage system of any establishment where, in the judgment of the Municipal Building Inspector, a hazard exists or where oils or other flammables can be introduced or admitted into the public sewer by accident or otherwise.
   5.   All garages, filling stations and car washes having car wash racks or facilities shall install combination grit and grease interceptors.
   6.   All commercial laundries shall be equipped with an interceptor having a removable wire basket or similar device that will prevent strings, rags, buttons or other materials detrimental to the municipal sewer system from passing into the drainage system.
   7.   Bottling plants shall discharge all processed wastes into an interceptor which will provide for the separation of broken glass or other solids, before discharging liquid wastes into the municipal sewer or storm drainage systems.
   8.   Slaughterhouses shall equip all slaughtering room drains with a separator which shall prevent the discharge of feathers, entrails and other material likely to clog the drainage system.
   9.   All existing establishments listed in subsection 1. above shall have 90 days from the effective date of this code of ordinances to install an improved interceptor or separator. Establishments covered under subsection 4. above will be handled on a case-by-case basis to determine whether an oil separator is required. All establishments covered under subsection 1. above, constructed henceforth, shall include an approved interceptor.
   10.   The Municipal Building Inspector, Utilities Superintendent or Mayor shall have the right of entry during usual business hours, to conduct an inspection of an interceptor or separator.
   11.   Any person found to be in violation of this section shall be served with written notice stating the violation and providing 72 hours for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations. In the event an establishment is cited with a second violation within six months of the first, the time allowed for correction shall be reduced to 48 hours. A third citation within six months from the first violation will be cause for the city to immediately discontinue water service to the establishment, during which time the offender shall correct the violation.
   12.   Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit provided for in subsection 11. above and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not exceeding the limits established in Chapter 11, Article 3, § 50 of this code of ordinances for each violation. Each day in which any such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense.
   All off-street parking shall be designed, constructed and utilized in accordance with the provisions and requirements contained in the community’s adopted zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations ordinance.
   1.   No building permit shall be issued for new construction or rehabilitation of any multi-family structure designed for human occupancy, unless the plans for the same include smoke detection devices.
   2.   No variance from this requirement shall be allowed, and the Municipal Building Inspector shall have the power and duty to prohibit occupancy of structures in violation hereof, until such time as the structure comes into compliance with the requirements of this section.
   1.   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      OVERSPEED CONTROL. A mechanism used to limit the speed of blade rotation below the design limits of the wind energy conversion system.
      SITE. The plot of land where the wind energy conversion system is to be placed. The site could be publicly or privately owned (by an individual or a group of individuals controlling single or adjacent properties).
      SWEPT AREA. The largest area of the wind energy conversion system which extracts energy from the wind stream. In a conventional propeller-type wind energy conversion system, there is a direct relationship between swept area and the rotor diameter.
      TOTAL HEIGHT. The height of the tower and the farthest vertical extension of the wind energy conversion system.
      WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM (WECS). A machine that converts the kinetic energy in the wind into a usable form (commonly known as a wind turbine or windmill). The WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM includes all parts of the system, and shall be considered as a structure.
   2.   Building permit applications (see § 4-20) for a wind energy conversion system shall be accompanied by a site plan drawn in sufficient detail to clearly describe the following:
      a.   Property lines and physical dimensions of the site;
      b.   Location, approximate dimensions and types of major existing structures and uses on the site;
      c.   Location and elevation of the proposed wind energy conversion system;
      d.   Location of all above-ground utility lines on-site or within a distance radius equal to the total height of the wind energy conversion system;
      e.   Location and size of structures and trees over 35 feet in height, which are within a 500-foot radius of the proposed wind energy conversion system; for purposes of this requirement, electrical transmission and distribution lines, antennas and slender or open lattice towers are not considered structures; and
      f.   The zoning designation of immediate and adjacent sites.
   3.   Before a building permit may be issued, all requirements of this section must be met. This section covers those wind energy conversion systems whose swept area is 1,000 square feet or less; for conventional propeller wind energy conversion systems, this would be approximately 35 feet or less in diameter. (Non-electrical windmills used for pumping water may be exempted from the remaining provisions of this section.)
   4.   Building permit applications shall be accompanied by standard drawings of the structural components of the wind energy conversion system, including support structure, tower, base and footings. Drawings and any necessary calculations shall be certified in writing by a registered professional engineer or manufacturer’s representative, to show that the system complies with the adopted Building Code. (This certification would normally be supplied by the manufacturer.) Where the structural components or installation vary from the standard design or specification, the proposed modifications shall be certified by a registered professional engineer for compliance with the structural design provisions of the adopted Building Code.
   5.   Building permit applications shall be accompanied by a line drawing identifying the electrical components of the system to be installed, in sufficient detail to allow for a determination that the manner of installation conforms to the adopted Electrical Code. The application shall include a statement from a registered professional engineer indicating that the electrical system conforms with good engineering practices and complies with said Electrical Code. (This certification would normally be supplied by the manufacturer.) All equipment and materials shall be used or installed in accordance with such drawings and diagrams. Where the electrical components of an installation vary from the standard design or specifications, the proposed modifications shall be reviewed and certified by a registered professional engineer for compliance with the requirements of said Electrical Code and good engineering practices.
   6.   Each wind energy conversion system must be equipped with both manual and automatic controls to limit the rotational speed of the blade below the design limits of the rotor. The application must include a statement by a registered professional engineer certifying that the rotor and overspeed controls have been designed and fabricated for the proposed use in accordance with good engineering practices. The engineer should also certify the structural compatibility of possible towers with available rotors. (This certification would normally be supplied by the manufacturer.)
   7.   Anchor points for guy wires for the wind energy conversion system tower shall be located within property lines and not on or across any above-ground electric transmission or distribution lines. The point of ground attachment for the guy wires shall be enclosed by a fence six feet high, or the wind energy conversion system shall be set back from the property line or site parameters the total height of the wind energy conversion system.
   8.   Towers should have either a tower-climbing apparatus located no closer than 12 feet from the ground, a locked anti-climb device installed on the tower, or the tower shall be completely enclosed by a locked, protective fence at least six feet high.
   9.   The wind energy conversion system shall meet the requirements of any existing municipal noise regulations.
   10.   The wind energy conversion system shall be operated such that no disruptive electromagnetic interference is caused. If it has been demonstrated to the Municipal Building Inspector that a wind energy conversion system is causing harmful interference, the operator shall be required to promptly mitigate the harmful interference.
   11.   At least one sign shall be posted at the base of the tower warning of electrical shock or high voltage.
   12.   The minimum height of the lowest part of the wind energy conversion system shall be 30 feet above the highest existing major structure or any tree within a 250-foot radius. For purposes of this requirement, electrical transmission and distribution lines, antennas and slender or open-lattice towers are not considered structures.
   13.   The wind energy conversion system shall be located such that the farthest extension of the apparatus does not cross any site lines.
   14.   For wind energy conversion systems which will be interconnected to a utility grid, no wind turbine shall be installed until evidence has been given that the utility company has been notified in writing.
   15.   If a wind energy conversion system is not maintained in operational condition for a period of one year and poses a potential safety hazard, the owner or operator shall take expeditious action to remedy the situation. If the city determines that the wind energy conversion system has been abandoned and poses a safety hazard, the system shall be removed within 45 days of written notice to the owner or operator of the system.
   16.   The applicant, owner, leasee or assignee shall maintain a current insurance policy which will cover installation and operation of the wind energy conversion system at all times. Said policy shall provide a minimum of $50,000 property and personal liability coverage.