§ 149.06  INCITING.
   No person shall make or incite any disturbance or contention in any tavern, store or grocery, manufacturing establishment or any other business place or in any street, lane, alley, highway, public building, grounds or park, or at any election or other public meeting where citizens are peaceably and lawfully assembled.
   No unauthorized person shall remain within any school, or remain on any lands owned, occupied or used by any school, or immediately adjacent thereto, without first securing permission of the principal or person in charge of the school or owner of the premises; nor shall any person on such premises make or assist in making of any noise or diversion which disturbs or tends to disturb the peace, quiet or good order of any gathering or function upon such premises; nor shall any person while on such premises make profane, obscene, rude or insulting remarks in the hearing of any other person.
§ 149.08  LOITERING.
   No person shall lounge, loiter or hang about the premises of a drive-in restaurant; nor shall any person on such premises race the motor of any motor vehicle, recklessly bring to a sudden start or stop any motor vehicle, blow any horn, or make or cause to be made any other loud or unseemly noise, nuisance or disturbance where by the quiet and good order of the premises or of the neighborhood is disturbed; nor shall any person while on such premises make profane, obscene, rude or insulting remarks in the hearing of any other person.
   No person shall loiter, idle, congregate or be in any public park within the confines of the City of Burton between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.,  unless specific written permission is granted by the Director of the Department of Public Works of the City of Burton.