For every horse, mule, ass, cow, swine, sheep or goat running at large, which shall be taken up as herein provided,there shall be assessed a fee in an amount established by a resolution adopted by the Burley city council for each head that enters the pound. Such fee shall be all that shall be assessed against any animal if the same is removed before the expiration of twelve (12) hours. If any animal is not removed before the expiration of twelve (12) hours, then there shall be a fee in an amount established by a resolution adopted by the Burley city council for every twelve (12) hours or fractional part of twelve (12) hours that any animal may remain in the pound.
All fees collected under this chapter shall be paid to the animal control supervisor, who shall keep a strict and accurate account of all fees paid to him and said fees shall then be paid by him into the city treasury at the end of each day. (Ord. 1160, 5-7-2002)