(A)   Duties: The City Treasurer shall be the custodian of all monies belonging to the City; he shall keep a separate account of each fund or appropriation, and the debits and credits belonging thereto; he shall give to every person paying money into the Treasury a receipt therefor specifying the date of payment and on what account paid; he shall also file copies of such receipts with his monthly reports; he shall at the end of each and every month, and as often as may be required, render an account to the City Council, under oath, showing the state of the Treasury at the date of such account, and the balance of money in the Treasury; he shall also accompany such accounts with a statement of all receipts and disbursements, together with all checks redeemed and paid by him; which said checks, with any and all vouchers held by him, shall be filed with his said account in the Clerk's office, and if said Treasurer neglects or fails, for the space of ten (10) days from the end of each and every month, to render his said account, his office shall be declared vacant by appointment until the next election for City officers. (Ord. 477, 9-17-1951; amd. 1981 Code)
   (B)   Report To Council: The City Treasurer shall be constantly acquainted with the financial operations of the City Treasury and each demand thereon, and shall furnish to the City Council any desired information as to the condition of such Treasury, or any fund thereof, whenever required so to do by such Council.
   (C)   Deposit And Investment Of Municipal Funds: The City Treasurer may be required to keep all money in his hands belonging to the City in such place or places of deposit as may be provided by ordinance but no such ordinance shall be passed by which the custody of such money shall be taken from the City Treasurer and deposited elsewhere than in some regularly organized bank, nor without a bond being taken from such bank in such penal sum and with such security as the City Council shall direct and approve, sufficient to save the City from any loss, but such penal sum shall not be less than the estimated maximum amount on deposit at any one time from taxes and special assessments levied and to be levied by the City; provided, however, that the City Treasurer may be directed and empowered, by ordinance, to invest any money in his hands in securities of the United States Government or of the State, county bonds, highway bonds or in local improvement district bonds or in the general security of the City. (Ord. 477, 9-17-1951; amd. Ord. 605, 1-21-1957; 1981 Code)