(A) Duties Of Clerk; Journal; Record Of Outstanding Bonds: The City Clerk shall have the custody of all laws and ordinances and shall keep a correct journal of the proceedings of the City Council. He shall also keep a record of all outstanding bonds against the City, showing the number and amount of each, for and to whom the said bonds were issued; and when any bonds are purchased or paid or cancelled, said record shall show such fact. In his annual report, he shall describe particularly the bonds issued and sold during the year and the terms of sale, with each and every item of expense thereof. He shall also perform such other duties as may be required by the ordinances of the City and the statutes of the State, or as prescribed by the Mayor and Council.
(B) Seal And Records: In addition to the powers and duties provided by the statutes of the State, the City Clerk shall have the power and it shall be his duty to keep the Seal of the City 1 , and affix it to all instruments and papers which by law or by ordinance are required to be attested by the City Clerk. He shall have the custody of and safely keep all public papers, records, documents, ordinances and orders of the City Council and such other papers and documents in which the City is interested as may be delivered into his custody for safekeeping.
(C) Attend Council Meetings: It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to attend all meetings of the City Council, keep the minutes of all their proceedings and record the same in a book to be provided by the Council and keep the same in his office. He shall also at the close of each fiscal year, and as often as required by the Council, make out and submit to said Council a complete statement of receipts and expenditures and all the financial affairs of the City during such year.
(D) Certifying Monies To Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the City Clerk when any monies are to be paid to the City, to certify the same to the City Treasurer, and the City Treasurer shall receive no monies except on certificate of the City Clerk. The certificate shall state the source from which said monies are received and shall apportion the said monies so received to the proper funds.
(E) Furnish Copies Of Records: Upon demand and payment of such fees therefor as the county recorder of any county of the State might receive for similar services, the City Clerk shall furnish to any person applying therefor, a copy of any record, paper or document of any kind in his possession, which copies shall be certified under his hand and seal of office. And all fees for such certified copies shall be accounted for and paid to the Treasurer in the same manner as other receipts of the Clerk are paid in and accounted for.
(F) Bookkeeping System: The City Clerk shall keep, according to some established system of bookkeeping, all accounts between the City and its officers and other persons, and shall keep an official record of all demands on the Treasury. (Ord. 476, 9-17-1951; amd. 1981 Code)
1 | 1. See Chapter 10 of this Title. |