(A) Committee Membership: There shall be five (5) permanent standing city council committees: 1) the administrative committee; 2) the law enforcement committee; 3) the fire committee; 4) the electric committee; and 5) the recreation committee. Each committee shall be comprised of three (3) council members. No council member may serve on more than three (3) of the said standing committees other than the administrative committee. The committees shall be advisory unless specific powers are delegated by ordinance, with the right of appeal of decisions made by such delegated powers to the full council. The membership of each committee shall be at the discretion of the mayor with appointments being made by the mayor at the January meeting of each calendar year. The chair of each committee shall be by election of the committee members. Such election of the chair shall occur in February of each calendar year. The committee may also elect a chair pro tem at any time. Reconfiguration of the makeup of the committees may take place at any time upon a vote of the council; said reconfigurations or any filling of vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the mayor and approval of the council.
(B) Responsibility: The council committees shall be subject to compliance with Idaho open meeting law requirements set forth in Idaho Code and the scope of each committee's responsibility shall consist of the following:
1. Administrative Committee: The administrative committee shall generally consider matters relating to administrative matters of the city and may advise the mayor in providing personnel evaluations that are required to be completed of the city administrator.
2. Law Enforcement Committee: The law enforcement committee shall generally consider matters relating to law enforcement services provided to the city including said service's cost, efficiency, and effectiveness. The law enforcement committee shall also advise the mayor on matters of public safety connected to the city's law enforcement activities and the mayor's exercise of police powers.
3. Fire Committee: The fire committee shall generally consider matters relating to the city's fire department and related fire safety issues. The fire committee may advise on matters relating to negotiations with unions established among fire department personnel.
4. Electric Committee: The electric committee shall generally consider matters relating to the purchase and transmission of electrical power for customers of the city's electric department and may advise the mayor and council on matters connected to the construction and maintenance of the city's electrical power infrastructure.
5. Recreation Committee: The recreation committee shall generally consider matters related to city recreation facilities and activities and may advise the mayor and council regarding the same.
(C) Committee Meetings: The council committees shall meet as deemed necessary by the committee at a day, time and place convenient to the members of the committee and to the general public. Agendas shall be posted pursuant to Idaho Code, no less than forty eight (48) hours prior to the commencement of the meeting. Special meetings may be called by the chair or by a written request of a quorum of the committee. Minutes shall be kept in accordance with Idaho law by members of the committee or their designee.
(D) Setting Of Committee Agendas: The mayor, a council member, or any department head may have an item placed on the agenda automatically. The chair may add items to the agenda up to twenty four (24) hours before the meeting, provided proper public notice of the amended agenda is provided. The chair shall determine the order in which agenda items are addressed. (Ord. 1274, 10-19-2010)