It shall be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to stop, stand, or park such vehicle in any of the following places, except when to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control sign or signal:
(A) Within an intersection;
(B) On a crosswalk;
(C) Outside the first line of cars parked next to the curb, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of any while actually engaged in loading or unloading;
(D) Within 25 feet of the intersection of curb lines;
(E) Within 15 feet of the driveway entrance to a fire station;
(F) Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant;
(G) In front of a private driveway;
(H) On a sidewalk; and
(I) Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-2) Penalty, see § 72.99
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see SDCL § 9-31-1
No person shall place, leave, or keep on any public street, road, alley, sidewalk, or public grounds in the city any automobile, truck, wagon, or other vehicle, except when the same shall be in actual use; nor shall any person place, leave, or keep thereon any automobile, implements, or other vehicle inactive or not in actual use for the purpose of display, sale, barter, or exchange.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-5) Penalty, see § 72.99
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see SDCL § 9-31-1
(A) (1) No vehicle shall be stopped or left within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, nor in such a position to obstruct a crossing, unless to allow another vehicle or pedestrian to cross its path.
(2) No vehicle shall be allowed to stand upon any street within 15 feet of the property line of any intersection street.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-4)
(B) It shall be unlawful to park in any alley in such a manner to obstruct, in any way.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-10)
(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle upon the public sidewalks of the city, or in such a manner as to obstruct the crosswalks in any city street.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-14)
(D) (1) No cars or trucks shall be parked at the place within the city where the curb is painted red, or within 25 feet of any fire hydrant which is painted red.
(2) No cars or trucks shall be parked at any place within the city where they might tend to obstruct any intersection between any of the streets and alleys of the city.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-16)
Penalty, see § 72.99
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see SDCL § 9-31-1
(A) The driver of a vehicle that is parked either at the side or in the middle of any city street shall, in leaving its place of parking, give the right-of-way to the ordinary traffic upon such streets.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-11)
(B) The drivers of vehicles parked in the center of the street where such parking is permitted shall give the right-of-way to vehicles parked at the curb when such vehicles are in the act of leaving their place of parking.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-12)
Penalty, see § 72.99
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see SDCL § 9-31-1
All cars parked within the business district of the city shall be parked at the proper angle between the lines drawn on the pavement for such purposes.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-15) Penalty, see § 72.99
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see SDCL § 9-31-1
Double parking upon any of the streets of the city shall be unlawful.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-8) Penalty, see § 72.99
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see SDCL § 9-31-1
(A) Defined. A snow alert will be issued by the Street Department, Mayor, or the Police Department anytime two or more inches of snow is predicted. The public will be notified by Alert Sense, social media, or local media outlets.
(B) Prohibited. Parking on any street within the city limits of Burke until the street has been plowed from curb to curb or until the pavement is cleared if no curb is present.
(C) Notice of removal. If a snow alert is issued, all vehicles and trailers must be removed or ticketing will begin once the snow removal operations have started. Any vehicle or trailer will be towed to the city’s designated area if it isn’t removed by the time snow removal operations have started on the same street. Whenever a vehicle or trailer is removed from a street, the person authorizing such removal, shall immediately give or cause to be given the owner of such vehicle or trailer, written or verbal notice of the fact of such removal, the reasons thereof and the place to which such vehicle or trailer has been removed.
(D) Recovery of removed vehicles/trailers. The owner of a removed vehicle or trailer, or his or her authorized agent, may not recover such vehicle or trailer from the place where it has been placed or impounded until he or she presents to a law enforcement officer evidence of his or her identity and right to possession of the vehicle or trailer, signs a receipt for its return, pays the cost of its removal, and pays any storage fees. Until paid, charges constitute a lien on the vehicle, which may be enforced in the same manner as a garage keeper's lien in accordance with the provisions of the statutes of the State of South Dakota.
(E) Record of removals. Law enforcement officers shall keep a record of each vehicle removed pursuant to this section. The record shall include a description of the vehicle, its license number, the date and time of its removal, where it was removed from, its storage location, the name and address of its owner and last operator (if known), its final disposition, and the parking violation involved.
(Ord. 90.03.1, passed 12-11-2023) Penalty, see § 72.99
(A) Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 70.99 of this code of ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 13-3-19)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see SDCL § 9-19-3