All sidewalks constructed in the City shall meet the following requirements:
   (a)    Location. Unless otherwise specified by resolution of necessity enacted by Council pursuant to Ohio R.C. 719.01 et seq., or as otherwise provided in the Bucyrus Codified Ordinances, the edge of the sidewalk closest to the abutting property line shall be twelve inches from and parallel to the property line. The subdivision developer or other person responsible for installation of the sidewalk may request that the Planning Commission grant a variance to the location of sidewalks within the subdivision or upon the subject abutting property due to zoning requirements or unusual or unique conditions within the subdivision or upon the subject abutting property. The Planning Commission shall have discretion to move said sidewalk location farther into the right of way toward the street and away from the abutting property line. The developer or other person responsible for the installation of the sidewalk shall have a right of appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals on any action taken by the Planning Commission regarding a variance requested hereunder. This
      (Ord. 33-2006. Passed 12-19-06.)
   (b)    Width. All sidewalks constructed shall conform in width to the sidewalks which have been constructed previously in the same block, but shall not be narrower than four feet in width.
   (c)   Block Length. All sidewalks constructed shall be divided along their length into blocks six feet long, except at closures where the block may be a minimum of four feet long and a maximum of seven feet long.
   (d)    Thickness. All sidewalks constructed shall have a uniform thickness of four inches for walks subjected to pedestrian traffic only, and six inches for walks subjected to vehicular traffic.
   (e)    Grade and Slope. All sidewalks constructed shall be above and parallel to the established top of curb grade of the street, and slope toward the curb line of the street. The height that the sidewalk shall be above the top of curb grade is determined as follows:
      (1)    All curb lawns shall slope up away from the curb at the rate of one-half inch per foot from the curb to the walk.
      (2)    All sidewalks shall slope down toward the curb at the rate of one-quarter inch per foot.
      (3)    At intersections the sidewalks shall blend with other walks and curbs as directed by the Engineer.
   (f)   Subgrade. All sidewalks constructed shall be laid on a firm subgrade uniformly graded so that the required thickness of sidewalk shall be obtained over its entire surface.
      (1)    Where the sidewalk is to be constructed on freshly excavated earth, all loose dirt and organic matter shall be removed from the sidewalk area before placing the concrete.
      (2)    Where the sidewalk is to be constructed on filled earth, the fill shall be thoroughly compacted subsoil, free from roots and other organic matter.
      (3)    No sidewalk or fill shall be placed until the sidewalk area has been stripped of the topsoil.
   (g)    Drains. When new sidewalks are constructed or old sidewalks renewed or relaid, all storm water drains now emptying onto the sidewalk area shall be placed beneath the walk and drained into the gutter or to an available storm sewer where possible.
   (h)    Forms. All sidewalks constructed shall be formed to the required line and grade and slope by the use of either steel or wood forms properly secured so that neither the placing of materials of construction nor the finishing of the surface can disturb them horizontally or vertically.
    (i)    Material. Sidewalks constructed shall be constructed of concrete, made with high quality ingredients in the approved manner and of the approved proportions for such work. Other materials may be used only if approved by the City Engineer and Service-Safety Director.
   (j)    Plans and Specifications. All sidewalks constructed shall be constructed in conformity with the foregoing specifications and the plan (on file in the Engineer's office) showing the details for sidewalk construction and incorporated herein as if fully written and drawn herein, and together they shall be the only guide for the construction of sidewalks. (Ord. 2778. Passed 6-16-64.)