The location of proposed landscaping, fences or walls required to fulfill the standards and criteria of this Chapter shall be reviewed and approved as part of a development plan pursuant to Chapter 1181.
When a fence or wall is proposed at a separate time from any other development for new construction, additions or site renovation, a fence or wall may be approved administratively by the Zoning Administrator when the Zoning Administrator determines that the proposal:
(a) Complies with the requirements of this Section;
(b) Is consistent with any previously approved plan;
(c) Is compatible with the current site development if there is no approved plan; and
(d) Will have a minimal adverse impact to the surrounding areas.
If, because of the nature and location of the proposed fence or wall, the Zoning Administrator does not make such a determination, the request shall be referred to the Planning Commission and considered by the Commission according to the variance procedures in Chapter 1183.
(Ord. 62-2023. Passed 1-16-24.)