1170.03 AIRPORT.
   (a)   Purpose. These airport regulations have been established to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
      (1)   To protect the public health, safety and welfare and to reduce the potential for airport hazards by regulating development and land use on Williams County Airport property and in surrounding areas which are within the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) runway protection zone.
      (2)   To protect the airport from incompatible development and to assure that the future uses of land surrounding the airport are compatible with normal airport operations, including the landing and takeoff of aircraft.
      (3)   To establish use, development and performance standards to ensure the optimal and safe operation of the Williams County Airport and to allow airport-related development which is logical, necessary and beneficial to the operation of the airport facility.
      (4)   To protect public investment in the airport.
   (b)   Compliance. Prior to receiving a conditional use permit for an airport or airport-related use in an I-2 District, the applicant shall:
      (1)   Comply with previously existing avigation easements or convey to the City of Bryan an avigation easement permitting the right of flight in the airspace above the subject property.
      (2)   Comply with all current applicable Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT - Office of Aviation) regulations and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations, as set forth in the Ohio Administrative Code, Section 5501:1-10.
      (3)   Submit a copy of the conditional use permit application, including the development plan, along with verification that the application has complied with subsection (b)(2) above, to appropriate Williams County Airport representatives. The representatives shall review said documents for compliance with current applicable FAA and ODOT regulations and provide a written recommendation indicating whether the proposed development impedes airport operations in any way to the Planning Commission within ten (10) days of receipt.
         (Ord. 62-2023. Passed 1-16-24.)