(a) All legislative powers of the City, except as otherwise provided by this Charter and by the Constitution and general laws of the State of Ohio, shall be vested in a Council of eight (8) members, four (4) of whom shall be elected from the several wards, three (3) of whom shall be elected at large, and one (1) of whom shall be elected at large as President of the Council.
(b) All Councilmen shall be elected for a term of two (2) years at the regular municipal election in the year 2001, and every two (2) years thereafter. All members of Council, including the President of Council, shall take office on the first day of January next following their election, and shall continue to serve until their successors have been duly elected and qualified.
(Amended May 7, 1968; November 7, 2000)
It shall be the duty of the President of Council to preside at all meetings of Council, appoint various Council Committees, and perform such other duties as may be imposed by Council upon its presiding officer and such other duties as are imposed upon him by this Charter, coordinating the work of the various committees appointed by him. The President of Council shall have the right to vote on all ordinances, resolutions, or motions coming before the Council only in the event of a tie vote.
(a) Within five (5) days after the commencement of their term, at the call of the President of Council, members of the Council shall meet in the Council Chambers and organize.
(b) The Council shall elect, from among its members, a President Pro Tem, who shall preside at meetings of Council in the absence of the President of Council.
(c) The Council shall appoint a Clerk of Council, and may appoint any other such officers as it may deem necessary, to serve at the pleasure of Council. The Clerk of Council shall not be a member of Council.
(d) The Clerk of Council shall keep an accurate and complete journal of the proceedings of Council, authenticate by his signature and have custody of and properly file and index all laws, ordinances and resolutions of Council and shall have custody of other official documents, reports, papers and communications received by the Council, and have custody and control of all files of Council, and perform such other duties as Council shall require.
(Amended November 6, 2001)
(e) The City shall use a codified ordinance system. All ordinances and resolutions shall be codified in a loose leaf binder.
The Council shall fix compensation, sick leave, and annual vacation time for each employee of the City, whether elected, appointed, or chosen and establish bond for the faithful discharge of the duties of the office. Any ordinance or resolution providing for any increase in salary or compensation for any Councilman, the Mayor, the Law Director, the Finance Director, or any other elective office, of more than three percent (3%) shall not become effective, after passage thereof, until Council submits such ordinance or resolution to the electorate at a regular Municipal or general election occurring more than sixty (60) days after the passage of the ordinance or resolution, and such ordinance or resolution is approved by a majority of the electors voting thereon in the City.
The compensation of all elected officials shall be fixed at least thirty (30) days prior to the filing date of nominating petitions for the terms beginning on the next succeeding first day of January, and shall not thereafter be changed in any respect during any such term or any part thereof. The Council may authorize any officer of the City to make such travel as the Council deems to be in the public interest, and may provide that the expense of such travel be paid by the City.
(Amended November 7, 2000)
(a) Regular Meetings. The Council shall meet in the Council Chambers at such times as may be prescribed by its rules, regulations, ordinances or by-laws, except that it shall hold regular meetings at least twice each calendar month, provided, however, that it may recess during the months of July and August, subject to the call of the Mayor. Meetings of the Council, whether regular or special, shall he open to the public, with the exception of executive sessions, which shall only be permitted in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Codified Ordinances of the City of Brook Park, or in the laws of the State of Ohio.
(Amended November 7, 1989)
(b) Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Council may be called in accordance with and as provided for by the rules, regulations or, by-laws adopted by the Council. In the absence of such provisions, special meetings may be called by a vote of the Council taken at any regular or special meeting thereof, or shall be called by the Clerk of Council upon the written request of the Mayor or President of Council, or three (3) members of Council. Any such request shall state the tune, place and date thereof, and the subject or subjects to be considered at the meeting, and no other subject or subjects shall be considered. Notice in writing of each such special meeting called at the request of the Mayor, President of Council, or three (3) members of Council, shall be given to each member of Council and the Mayor, by serving on each of them personally or electronically or as otherwise determined by Council Rules, not less than twenty-four (24) hours preceding the date and hour of such meeting. Service of such notice may be waived in writing. (Amended November 5, 2019)
A majority of the members of Council eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Council but a lesser number may adjourn the meeting from time to time and compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as may be prescribed by ordinance or resolution.