14-1-1: Imposition Of Fees For False Alarms
14-1-2: Definitions
14-1-3: False Alarm Notice And Determination
14-1-4: False Alarm Fees
14-1-5: Registration Of Alarm System
14-1-6: Display Of Life Safety Registration Permit
14-1-7: Authority To Create And Maintain Minimum Standards
14-1-8: Limitations As To The Village's Liability
The imposition of fees for false alarms shall apply to residential and nonresidential alarm systems and shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter as set forth herein. (Ord. 2014-01, 1-8-2014)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
ALARM COORDINATOR: Means the person designated by the Chief of the Police and Chief of the Fire Department, respectively, who shall have responsibility and authority for enforcing the provisions of this chapter. There shall be one Alarm Coordinator for each department.
ALARM SYSTEM: Means any assembly of equipment, mechanical, electrical or wireless, arranged to signal the occurrence of a fire, robbery, illegal entry or other activity requiring urgent attention and to which the Police or Fire Departments are expected to respond.
ALARM USER: Means the person, other than a unit of local, State or Federal government, in control of any building, structure or facility, including the owner and/or lessee, wherein an alarm system is maintained.
AUTOMATIC DIALING DEVICE: Means a device which is interconnected to a telephone line and is programmed to select a predetermined telephone number and transmit by voice message or code signal an emergency message indicating a need for emergency response.
FALSE ALARM: Means an alarm signal eliciting a response by the Village Police Department or the Village Fire Department when a situation requiring such a response by them does not in fact exist, but does not include an alarm signal caused by violent conditions of nature or other extraordinary circumstances not reasonably subject to control by the alarm user, including power outages and telephone service outages.
LOCAL ALARM SYSTEM: Means an alarm system which, when activated, causes an audible and/or visual signaling device to be activated only on the premises within which the system is installed and which is intended to be heard or seen by others outside of the protected premises.
NONRESIDENTIAL ALARM SYSTEM: Means any alarm system installed or operated in a building or structure that does not contain residential dwelling units. (Ord. 2014-01, 1-8-2014)
Within thirty (30) days after each false alarm, the Alarm Coordinator shall notify the alarm user by mailing a notice to the address from which the false alarm was received. If the alarm user believes that the alarm was not a false alarm, he shall reply to the Alarm Coordinator within ten (10) days from the date that the notice was issued, stating the reasons why the alarm was not a false alarm. In the absence of such reply, the alarm shall be conclusively presumed to be a false alarm. The Alarm Coordinator shall determine, based upon department records and the user's reply, whether the alarm was false and so notify the user of his determination. If the alarm is determined to be a false alarm for which a fee is due, the user shall remit to the Village the appropriate fee for such false alarm within thirty (30) days of notification by the Alarm Coordinator. (Ord. 2014-01, 1-8-2014)