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   (a)   No person, being the owner, lessor or occupant of any lot or parcel of land within the City, shall keep, harbor or maintain, or knowingly permit to be kept, harbored or maintained any animal or fowl prohibited in the City by Section 505.02 upon any such lot or parcel of land, or neglect or refuse to remove or abate the nuisance occasioned by the keeping and maintaining of such animal or fowl upon any such lot or parcel of land within twenty-four hours after such person has knowledge of the existence of such nuisance or within twenty-four hours after service of notice thereof in writing from the Manager.
   (b)   Upon conviction under the provisions of subsection (a) hereof, the person convicted shall, within twenty-four hours after such conviction, remove or cause to be removed such animals and fowl from any such lot or parcel of land and his failure to do so shall constitute a second offense against the provisions of this section. The continued failure or refusal of such convicted person to remove such animals and fowl from such lot or parcel of land shall constitute a separate, distinct and additional offense for each successive twenty-four hour period of such failure and refusal.
(1976 Code Sec. 4-2)
   (a)   Vicious or dangerous animals and reptiles of any species whatsoever are hereby declared to be a public nuisance and menace to the public safety, and no person shall own, keep or harbor any animal or reptile of any species whatsoever known by him, or which, in the exercise of reasonable diligence he should know, to be vicious, dangerous or in the habit of biting or attacking persons.
   (b)   In addition to any penalty which may be adjudged against any person for a violation of this section, such person shall be compelled to dispose of or to destroy such animal.
(1976 Code Sec. 4-3)
   No person shall keep or harbor upon or about his premises any animal of any species whatsoever, which shall, by barking, howling, squalling, crying or in any other manner whatsoever, disturb the peace, comfort, quiet or tranquility of any neighborhood or adjoining property owner with the City, and upon conviction thereof such person shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 501.99, and shall be compelled to remove such animal from his premises or to see that such animal ceases making such noises.
(1976 Code Sec. 4-4)
   No person shall permit any animal or fowl owned, harbored or maintained by him to run at large within the City limits.
(1976 Code Sec. 4-5)
   No person shall abandon any animal of any species whatsoever within the City.
(1976 Code Sec. 4-6)
   No person shall slaughter any animal within the City except in places and under conditions prescribed and approved by the State Health Department.
(1976 Code Sec. 4-7)
   (a)   Each owner or occupant of premises within the City whereon any dog, cat or other pet animal which may lawfully be harbored or maintained within the City shall maintain the pen or other enclosure or place where such dog, cat or other pet animal is kept in a healthful and sanitary condition at all times, free of offensive substances and liquids, at such place and in such manner as not to constitute a hazard to the health or safety of any person or an annoyance to persons in the neighborhood thereof.
   (b)   The owner or person in charge or control of any dog, cat or other animal which defecates upon any public sidewalk, walkway, entranceway, street, lane or in any public place within the corporate limits of the City or on any private or public property, including any park, shall immediately remove all feces and place it in a proper receptacle. Persons medically requiring the need of a “seeing eye dog” while relying upon a dog specifically trained for this purpose shall be exempt from compliance with this section.
(Ord. 6-96. Passed 9-9-96.)
   (a)   The entire area embraced within the corporate limits of the City is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary.
   (b)   No person shall trap, hunt, shoot or attempt to shoot or molest in any manner any bird or wild fowl or rob bird nests or wild fowl nests; provided, that if starlings or similar birds are found to be congregating in such numbers in a particular locality that they constitute a nuisance or menance to health or property in the opinion of the proper public health authorities, then in such event such health authorities shall meet with representatives of the Audubon society, bird club, garden club or humane society, or as many of those clubs as are found to exist in the City, after having given at least three days actual notice of the time and place of such meeting to the representatives of such clubs.
   (c)   If as a result of that meeting no satisfactory alternative is found to abate such nuisance, then the birds may be destroyed in such numbers and in such manner as is deemed advisable by the health authorities under the supervision of the Chief of Police of the City. (1976 Code Sec. 4-9)