No person shall keep, harbor or maintain or knowingly permit to be kept, harbored or maintained within the City any domestic fowl or pigeon or any swine or other animal including, but not limited to, cattle, horses, mules, ponies or other animals which cannot be or ordinarily are not kept and maintained as house pets; provided, however, that the keeping, harboring or maintaining of homing or racing pigeons shall not be prohibited so long as the person keeping,
harboring or maintaining homing or racing pigeons complies with each of the following provisions:
(a) Such pigeons are not kept within thirty feet of any structure owned by another and used for human habitation, occupation or assemblage, whether such structure is in the same or in adjacent block or square;
(b) All such birds shall be registered and shall wear a seamless leg band;
(c) The structure in which such homing or racing pigeons are kept shall be dry, well ventilated and with windows so placed, if possible, to permit sunlight; it shall be cleaned at least once per week between December 1 and May 1 and at least twice a week between May 1 and December 1 of each year, and more often if necessary if so ordered by appropriate authority;
(d) The floor of the structure in which the homing or racing pigeons are kept shall be covered with sand or some other type of drying agent;
(e) Feeders shall be used for feeding the homing or racing pigeons and pigeon feed shall not be thrown on the floor of the structure in which the pigeons are kept;
(f) No more than ten pigeons shall be kept on any premises;
(g) Any building or structure erected for the housing of pigeons shall comply in all respects with the appropriate requirements of the Planning and Zoning Code;
(h) In no event shall pigeons be maintained in such a fashion that the structure in which the birds are maintained becomes offensive to view or in some other manner becomes a nuisance or in such a fashion that an odor is allowed to exist which is detectable on adjoining property.