(a) The City has determined that illegal possession, delivery, storage or trafficking in controlled substance or other drug activities and illicit activities such as prostitution, and gang related activities are occurring more frequently in the City of Bridgeport and the occurrence of such activities constitutes a public nuisance which must be abated.
(b) The purpose of this article is to promote the public health and safety for the citizens and visitors to the City by preventing occurrence and reoccurrence of illicit activities on Property within the corporate limits of the City.
(Passed 10-28-19.)
For the purpose of this article, the terms listed below shall be assigned the following definitions:
(a) "Abatement" means measures directed to prevent any illicit activities which may create a Nuisance Property.
(b) "Abatement Order" means an order entered by the municipal court containing measures and requirements reasonably calculated to prevent the recurrence of a Property becoming a Nuisance Property
(c) "Apartment” means any unit which is offered in whole or part for residential purposes and for which remuneration is received.
(d) "Apartment Building" means any structure containing two or more apartments.
(e) "Apartment Complex" means any property on which there is affixed two or more apartment buildings.
(f) "Illicit Activities" means illegal possession, storage, delivery or trafficking in controlled substances or illegal paraphernalia or illegal drugs, illegal gambling, dog fighting or prostitution, any activity deemed a public nuisance.
(g) "Hotel" means any facility, building or buildings, publicly or privately owned, including a facility located in a State, County or Municipal park, in which the public may, for a consideration, obtain sleeping accommodations. The term shall include, but not be limited to, boarding houses, hotels, motels, inns, courts, lodges, cabins and tourist homes.
(h) "Manager or person in control" means an individual person or persons upon which the Property Owner has conferred authority upon to oversee and regulate the use of the Property.
(i) "Nuisance Property” means a property which meets the criteria set forth in Section 546.04.
(j) “Property" means any real estate on which a hotel, rental property, residential structure, apartment complex, apartment building or apartment is affixed, including land, and that which is affixed, incidental, or appurtenant to the real estate. For Property consisting of more than one unit, the term Property may refer to a specific unit or to the portion of the Property on which Nuisance Activity has occurred or is occurring. Property may also include areas used in common by all units of the Property, including without limitation, other structures erected on the Property and areas used for parking, loading, and landscaping.
(k) "Property Owner" means the owner of record of any tract or parcel of real estate within the City of Bridgeport, as reflected by the records maintained in the office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Harrison County, West Virginia, but may also include the grantee or transferee of any interest in any real estate situated within the City by an owner-financed sale evidenced by written agreement, such as a land contract.
(l) "Rental Property" means any commercial or residential structure which is offered in whole or part for residential or commercial purposes and for which remuneration is received.
(m) "Residential Structure" means any structure occupied by the actual property owner or by any person or persons related thereto by blood, marriage or adoption and where no remuneration is received.
(n) "Unit" means a single unit in any Apartment Building or Hotel that provides independent living or sleeping facilities for one or more persons.
(Passed 10-28-19.)