   A police officer shall be considered as a probationary police officer for a period of one calendar year from the date of his or her employment as a police officer, and he or she shall be subject to dismissal at the suggestion of the Police Chief with the approval of the Metropolitan Board of Police Commissioners. His or her salary for the probationary period shall be considered his or her “base pay” for the purposes of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 15.04)
   The Board of Police Commissioners shall have the right, upon application by a police officer and for good cause, to grant a leave of absence for a period of time determined by said Board. A police officer shall not lose his or her previously accumulated “years of satisfactory service” while on a leave of absence, but the time during which the police officer is on a leave of absence shall not be included in determining the total number of years of satisfactory service.
(Prior Code, § 15.05)
   (A)   Establishment. There is hereby established pursuant to I.C. 36-8-3-20 a police reserve for the town, to be known as the town’s Auxiliary Police Department.
(Prior Code, § 15.50)
   (B)   Membership. The Auxiliary Police Department shall consist of 20 members appointed by the Police Commission and shall have the police powers and authority authorized by state statutes, except as limited by the rules and regulations adopted by the Police Commission.
(Prior Code, § 15.51)
   (C)   Eligibility. Police reserves may not be members of the regular Police Department and are not eligible to participate in any pension program and shall receive those benefits as provided by town ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 15.52)
   (D)   Training. No member of the police reserves shall be appointed until he or she has completed the training and probationary period specified by the rules of the Department. Further, those officers appointed after June 30, 1993, shall complete a pre-basic course set out under I.C. 502-1-9(f).
(Prior Code, § 15.53)
(Ord. 1-93, passed 2-22-1993)