(A)   The Assistant Police Chief is appointed by the Town Council and is subject to dismissal by the Council.
   (B)   The duties of the Assistant Police Chief include:
      (1)   Subject to direction from higher authority, supervise all officers and be personally responsible for the efficiency and effectiveness of his or her subordinates;
      (2)   Direct personnel to assure the proper performance of duties and adhere to established policies, procedures, regulations and rules of the town’s Police Department;
      (3)   Provide for the continuation of command and/or supervision in his or her absence;
      (4)   Develop and maintain espirit de corps and loyalty to the Department;
      (5)   Maintain discipline and morale. Investigate and, where appropriate, act upon complaints by personnel. Promote harmony and cooperation with all other units of the Police Department;
      (6)   Assign officers to such special duties as are required to meet such needs;
      (7)   Ensure that each officer has an up-to-date copy of the town’s Police Department Manual. Additionally, to take positive steps to ensure that officers understand and are adhering to the policies, procedures, rules, regulations, duty requirements and other materials that are applicable to the officers’ responsibilities;
      (8)   Encourage all officers to submit suggestions for the improvement of the Police Department;
      (9)   Ensure that the chain of command is adhered to;
      (10)   Issue such command directives as are deemed appropriate;
      (11)   Maintain the chain of command by passing orders through subordinate officers and keeping superior officers informed of current developments and results;
      (12)   Keep a daily account of the regular and extra duties performed by the officers and report to the Chief at regular intervals the activities of the officers;
      (13)   Maintain a current, accurate record of the name, address, telephone number and the like of any officer and notify the Chief of any change of address of any member;
      (14)   Complete and submit, and ensure that all officers complete and submit, all forms, records, reports and the like that are required by the town’s current Police Department procedures;
      (15)   Be accountable for the acts or omissions of those which are contrary to Department policy as defined in the manual and other orders and could have been avoided if the Assistant Police Chief had been properly exercising his or her responsibilities; and
      (16)   Perform any other duties assigned by higher authority in the Department.
(Prior Code, § 11.14) (Ord. 5-2006, passed 6-26-2006)