General; Comprehensive Master Development Plan
156.001 Authority to establish zoning and planning regulations
156.002 Designation, title and purpose of subchapter
156.003 Content and subjects
156.004 Authority of plan
156.005 Effect of plan
156.006 Continuing authority of the City Plan Commission
156.007 Plan on file
156.008 Responsibility of the City Clerk-Treasurer
156.009 Amendments
Administration and Enforcement of Chapter
156.020 Role of Planning Administrator
156.021 Requirements for an improvement location permit
156.022 Issuance of improvement location permit for special exceptions
156.023 Certificate of occupancy required
156.024 Requirements to make changes to use of land or buildings
156.025 Simultaneous filing for certificate of occupancy and improvement location permit
156.026 Records of all certificates of occupancy
156.027 Issuance requirements
156.028 Review of minimum lot size, width requirements and sewage disposal standards required prior to issuance
156.029 Six-month requirement to commence authorized work or use and 2-year completion deadline
156.030 Board of Zoning Appeals; membership and meetings
156.031 Powers and duties of the Board of Zoning Appeals
156.032 Enforcement by injunctions through circuit court
156.033 Mandatory injunctions to remove violating structures
156.034 Abatement of common nuisances
Subdivisions; General Provisions
156.045 Establishment of control by the Commission
156.046 Definitions
156.047 Application
156.048 Preliminary plat for subdivision
156.049 Preliminary plat approval
156.050 Final plat specifications
156.051 Final plat approval
Standards of Design and Improvement
156.065 Compliance of final plat
156.066 Compliance to comprehensive plan
156.067 General principles
156.068 Blocks
156.069 Lots
156.070 Easements
156.071 Building setback lines
156.072 Public open spaces
156.073 Conformance and installation
156.074 Monuments and markers
156.075 Streets
156.076 Sewers
156.077 Water
156.078 Public utility improvements
156.079 Curb and gutter
156.080 Sidewalks
156.081 Signs
156.082 Street lights and fire hydrants
Plat Certificates and Deed of Dedication
156.095 Commission certificates
156.096 County Commissioner's certificate
156.097 Registered land surveyor's certificate
156.098 Deed of dedication
Official Thoroughfare Plan
156.110 Short title
156.111 Maps of thoroughfares
156.112 Drawing
156.113 Designation of thoroughfares
156.114 Street opening or widening regulations
156.115 Location of streets
156.116 Consideration of public agencies
156.117 Issuance of permits
156.118 Street improvement program
156.119 Thoroughfare Fund
156.120 Authority for procedure
156.121 Method of procedure; role of the Board of Public Works
156.122 Method of procedure; role of the Common Council
156.123 Priority of thoroughfare improvements
156.124 Continuing authority of the Plan Commission
156.125 Amendments
156.126 Copies on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer
Zoning Code
156.140 Short title
156.141 Definitions
156.142 Interpretation
156.143 Conflicting provisions
156.144 District boundaries
156.145 Annexed or vacated areas
156.146 Use
156.147 Encroachments
156.148 Lots
156.149 Loading and unloading berths
156.150 Surfacing parking area
156.151 Filing fees
156.152 Amendments
156.153 Farms exempt
156.154 Public utility installations exempt
156.155 Mineral extraction exempt
156.156 Establishment of 10 districts and Zone Map
156.157 Residential uses and requirements
156.158 Business uses and requirements
156.159 Shopping center plan
156.160 Industrial uses, standards and requirements
156.161 Contingent uses and requirements
156.162 Special exceptions
156.163 Nonconforming use
156.164 Residential uses and requirements
156.165 Business uses and requirements
156.166 Business uses; loading and unloading berths
156.167 Business uses: parking spaces required
156.168 Industrial uses and requirements
156.169 Industrial uses; loading and unloading berths
156.170 Contingent uses and requirements
156.171 Contingent uses; maximum height
156.172 Special exceptions and requirements
Improvement Location Permit
156.185 Permit required
156.186 Issuance
156.187 Application and fees
156.188 Appeals to the Board of Zoning Appeals
156.189 Amendments
156.190 Enforcement through abatement and injunctions
Manufactured Homes
156.215 Purpose of regulations
156.216 Definitions
156.217 Placement of manufactured home; procedure
156.218 Placement requirements
156.230 Definitions
156.231 Intent
156.232 Scope
156.233 Administration and enforcement
156.234 Prohibited signs
156.235 Nonconforming signs
156.236 Appeals
156.237 General sign requirements
156.238 Residential and agricultural signage
156.239 Business and industrial signage
156.240 Special displays and other temporary signs
156.241 Standard outdoor advertising structure (billboards)
156.999 Penalty