   70.01   Definitions
   70.02   Compliance with order of police officer
   70.03   Emergency vehicles to proceed cautiously past red or stop signal
   70.04   Exceptions
   70.05   Persons riding or driving animals upon roadways
   70.06   Prohibitions against pedestrians and slow- moving vehicles on freeways
   70.07   Use of private property for vehicular travel
   70.08   Designation of freeway, expressway, and thruway
   70.09   Removal of vehicles after accidents
Traffic-Control Devices
   70.14   Shortcutting a traffic-control device
   70.15   Obeying traffic-control devices
   70.16   Signal lights
   70.17   Signals over reversible lanes
   70.18   Pedestrian-control signals
   70.19   (Reserved)
   70.20   Unauthorized signs and signals prohibited
   70.21   Alteration, defacement, or removal prohibited
   70.22   Signal preemption devices; prohibitions
Impounding of Vehicles
   70.30   Impounding motor vehicle on private property; requirements
   70.31   Impounding abandoned motor vehicle on public property; notice; disposition
   70.32   Disposition of vehicle ordered into storage
   70.33   Impounding of vehicles; redemption procedure
   70.34   Sale of unclaimed impounded vehicle
   70.35   Eligibility for police tow list and establishment tow charge rates
Inoperable Vehicles
   70.40   Inoperable vehicles
   70.41   Storage of recreational vehicles at residences
Traffic Officers
   70.45   Motor vehicles used by traffic officers
   70.46   Incompetency of officer as witness
   70.47   Uniform for traffic officers
   70.48   Arresting officer as witness
   70.49   Display of certificates of registration
Traffic Commission
   70.55   (Reserved)
   70.56   Crosswalks
   70.57   Safety zones
   70.58   Marking lanes
   70.59   No U-turn signs
Traffic-Control File
   70.65   File established; contents
   70.66   Amendments
   70.67   Prohibition
Motor Vehicle License Tax
   70.75   Tax levied; application
   70.99   Penalty
   For classification of civil offenses and related proceedings, see Chapter 38
   Law enforcement agency permitted to provide property owner with names of persons charged with offense of property damage caused by a motor vehicle, see § 130.19