14-6.1   Composition of Board.
   (A)   There shall be in the city a Board, known as the Boston Consumer’s Council, consisting of the Corporation Counsel, or his or her designee, the Sealer of Weights and Measures, or his or her designee, the Commissioner of Health and Hospitals, or his or her designee, a person appointed by the Mayor after consultation with the Consumers’ Council of the commonwealth and three other persons appointed by the Mayor, at least two of whom shall be persons of low income. Each of the persons appointed by the Mayor shall serve for a term expiring on the first Monday of the January following the next biennial municipal election at which a Mayor is elected. The Mayor shall, from time to time, designate one of the members of the Council as Chair and another as Vice-Chair. All members of the Council shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties. The Council shall meet every other month, and at other times at the call of the Chair.
   (B)   The Mayor shall designate an employee of his or her Office to serve as Executive Secretary of the Council; and the Council may appoint a clerical assistant.
(Ord. 1968 c. 15; Rev. Ord. 1961 (Sup. 1971) c. l0A § 1; CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 200; CBC 1985 14-6.1)
   Ord. ss 2-7.1; Ord. ss 5-5.1; Statutes, Title 9 § 10; Ord. ss 12-1.1
14-6.2   Duties.
   The Boston Consumers’ Council shall conduct studies, investigations and research in matters affecting consumer interests; shall keep consumers in the city informed on matters affecting their interests, using for that purpose such media of communication as the Council shall, from time to time, adjudge appropriate; and shall pursue a course of action to ensure to the fullest possible extent that all laws enacted for the benefit of consumers are duly enforced.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 (Sup. 1971) c. 10A § 2; CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 201)